Search found 39 matches

by jon rain
Fri 27. Jan 2006, 01:14
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: {NAV_ROW_LEVEL} Updated 14-12-2005 with enhancement
Replies: 11
Views: 9564

Re: funzt nicht...


Meine Webseite wurde auf einen neuen Server verlegt. Es scheint, dass man von außen nicht mehr richtig hinkommt.

Bitte diesen Link verwenden
by jon rain
Mon 16. Jan 2006, 11:54
Forum: phpwcms Installation Troubleshooting English
Topic: installation problems
Replies: 5
Views: 2277

Re: installation problems


As i installed it first i have the same messages, because i have no maintext etc. in db

But i don't have so much Knowlegde than you

by jon rain
Sun 15. Jan 2006, 23:25
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Problem mit {RELATED:freitext} - Tag...
Replies: 9
Views: 3620

Hallo, in Engish too Damit der Quellcode nicht geändert werden muss und da es doch einige betrifft: Hier ein Replacementtag für das Problem: Funktioniert genau wie RELATED, die erste Zahl sagt jedoch aus, ob man den Aktuellen Id anzeigen lassen will oder nicht. New Replacementtag for Related to show...
by jon rain
Sun 15. Jan 2006, 22:11
Forum: phpwcms Installation Troubleshooting English
Topic: installation problems
Replies: 5
Views: 2277

Re: installation problems


Have you made a template?

if there is none, then you have no maintext, headertext,....
by jon rain
Thu 5. Jan 2006, 00:52
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Replies: 5
Views: 3528


Möchtest Du das nur für diese eine Kategorie oder für diese Ebene?
by jon rain
Wed 4. Jan 2006, 00:00
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Replies: 5
Views: 3528


Hallo Markus, {NAV_LIST_CURRENT:Parent_ID:NEW_Parent_Name:class_name} Der Parent_Id ist der in der Anzeige übergeordnete Menüpunkt, er stellt den KategorieID des Ziels dar. Dieser Menüpunkt kann einen von Dir vorgegebenen Namen erhalten (NEW_Parent_Name). Die Klasse kannst Du verwenden um in der fro...
by jon rain
Mon 2. Jan 2006, 23:00
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Help with navigation
Replies: 3
Views: 2266

hi hal, maybe you have changed your! look at this file in ../include/inc_front search for function: function nav_table_struct ($struct, $act_cat_id, ..... and have a look at: foreach($struct as $key => $value) { //2005-03-28 Oliver Georgi //if($struct[$key]["acat_struct"...
by jon rain
Mon 2. Jan 2006, 22:06
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Nav Category up and down?
Replies: 2
Views: 1486

Re: Nav Category up and down?

Hello Stim, Down is a problem, because there can be more than one categorie and so you can't know where to jump. Hello I am looking for navigator tag to jump from category to category. I have this tag but its only jump article to article. {BROWSE:PREV:Back:1} And {BROWSE:NEXT:Next:1} Then I find thi...
by jon rain
Mon 2. Jan 2006, 21:30
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: New Replacementtags {NAV_TAB_LEVELS} {BREADCRUMB_LEVELS}
Replies: 23
Views: 24142

Hi Cyrano, !!updated 02-01-2005!!! NAV_ROW_LEVEL -> NAV_ROW_LEVELS Syntax for All with 's NAV_ROW_LEVELS NAV_TAB_LEVELS BREADCRUMB_LEVELS hi jon rain, some minor changes possible? I...
by jon rain
Sun 25. Dec 2005, 12:36
Forum: hacks & enhancements
Topic: New Replacementtags {NAV_TAB_LEVELS} {BREADCRUMB_LEVELS}
Replies: 23
Views: 24142

Hello cyrano, I will rename it in the next days. The S will be removed! But it was only nav_tab_row without s. (had to change allthough the description in this thread) to all: Have a nice Xmas hi jon rain, some minor changes possible? I have seen that all 3 methods to write nav functionalities varie...
by jon rain
Wed 21. Dec 2005, 22:42
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: multiple NAV_ROW formats
Replies: 5
Views: 1574


If you realy have the Id 8, it should work.

Try this code in Main it will show you the ID.

Code: Select all

   print_r("ID: $a"); 
Second : use intval like the code above!
by jon rain
Wed 21. Dec 2005, 00:05
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: ich brauche HILFE zu
Replies: 7
Views: 2390

Hallo Emanuel, Execute dient dazu um etwas aus diesem Ordner zu starten/auszuführen. Aber vielleicht ist diese Datei dort schreibgeschützt, dann kann er diese auch nicht ersetzen. Kannst Du eine andere Datei (z.B. test.txt) in das Verzeichnis hochladen? Ich habe read & write rechte. und was bede...
by jon rain
Tue 20. Dec 2005, 23:20
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Remove "home" from {Breadcrumb}
Replies: 14
Views: 5286

Hello, Here an little description You have cat-Id's for Example 0 __1 ____3 ____4 __2 ____5 ____6 The Tree to 4 is this: 0-1-4 The Tree to 5 is : 0-2-5 If you use the Id = 1, then it only works for cat-Id = 3 and for cat-Id = 4, not for the others, because there is no cat-Id = 1 in the tree!! I have...
by jon rain
Tue 20. Dec 2005, 22:43
Forum: phpwcms Support English
Topic: Remove "home" from {Breadcrumb}
Replies: 14
Views: 5286

Hello NTB; Use this code in Head or in Main and you will see the ID you need: [PHP] $a=intval($GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]); print_r("ID: $a"); [/PHP] Hope this will help you ok got it. But the problem for me is, that it doesn't even work with the given ID. When I put {BREADCRUM...