Forum language

Post non-phpwcms related topics here - but I don't want to see "hey check this or that other cms". Post if you have a point or worthwhile comment, don't post just to increase you post count!
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Post by Nomax2000 »

I don't understand the problems. This is a german site/board, before you installed phpwcms you know that it was made by a german coder. Many people are writing bilingual, some not. Where is the problem? English is a nessesary language, but not the only one. I was many times outside germany, also at great britain, and i don't like the thinks that native english speaking people don't have to learn an other language.
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Post by Fulvio Romanin »

Nomax, imho this is not a generic chat forum. 90% of threads on this forum are about technical issues on using, building and developing technical structures. Finding an information we're missing can be vital for the most of us, and limiting the discussion to german can be a disadvantage for that other half fo the forum seeking information. Sure, i know the most hardcore wcms coders here are german. I do even know Oliver is german. I even do know half of the users are german too. And in fact, i'm not complaining saying this *HAS* to be in english. English is not my first language too, as you can imagine.
I'm just saying that probably it would be more *polite* to the whole community to speak in english, if possible. :)

Thus said, it's not so dramatic, for sure. It just gets frustrating somehow. :)
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Post by Nomax2000 »

But don' forget.Germans have technicals problems too. And many are not able to read or write english. I have my problems too. I think, how it is, it is good. Germans are asking questions in english or german, and english speaking people are writing english. I don't see any problem. And if someone don't understands somethink, others will help him.
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Post by Fulvio Romanin »

not forgetting it, nomax, but simple maths:
at least 80%of germans know english -> no information loss for half of the forum
at least 80% of foreigners DON'T know german -> information loss for half of the forum

at this point i stop, though. I hate being boring and pedant ;)
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Post by Nomax2000 »

Fulvio Romanin wrote:
at this point i stop, though. I hate being boring and pedant ;)
To late :P
But i think your numbers a wrong. Nearly every german has english at school, alright, but most of them are not able to discribe a technical problem in english. School english is realy different to technical english. Germans have the same problems with other languages than others with german.
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Post by selbaer »

Nomax2000 wrote:
Fulvio Romanin wrote:
at this point i stop, though. I hate being boring and pedant ;)
Nearly every german has english at school...
only since 1989

Before, 17 mill germans (East - Germany) didn't (only some, you had to have excellent knowledge of the russian language before they allowed you to take english classes).

I think OG can tell you the same story.
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Post by DeXXus »

Nomax2000 wrote:I don't understand the problems. This is a german site/board, before you installed phpwcms you know that it was made by a german coder.
Your are pretty new here so I'll cut you some slack, BUT during the first couple of years of this board... English was almost exclusively used for communication among users! As a result there used to be a more plentiful and diverse group of participants that built up the membership here at the forum. In my opinion, since the discussions have become split between German and English, there has been a significant drop-off in that reality. Instead, the appeal and reach of this CMS has OBVIOUSLY attracted more German friends, but at the cost of more international scope and recognition. I'm not complaining, because this goes hand in hand with OG's limited role here, the mysteries of phpWCMS's development and the uneven nature of documentation supporting it.
Nomax2000 wrote:Germans are asking questions in english or german, and english speaking people are writing english. I don't see any problem. And if someone don't understands somethink, others will help him.
That last sentence does not stand up to scrutiny, although it used to be more true, in the past, than it is today. When was the last time YOU took the time, Nomax2000 to help (let alone do an explanation or translation)? :wink:
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Post by Stim »

Nomax2000 wrote:I don't understand the problems. This is a german site/board, before you installed phpwcms you know that it was made by a german coder.
No No No! That’s faraway from true :!: This site/board is international and for English language from beginning. International and English should be that way also for OG and phpwcms:s best.

In fact that OG is german doesn’t mean this site/board is german :!:

Am sure if it was, then OG would have made this board and forums description on germen from beginning and not on English.
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Post by phalancs »

markus s wrote:
it is just laziness
no, i dont think so - its just a problem of time and convenience.
markus s

lol, the things you said can be summed up in the word "laziness".

I pretty often try to write in english. And I guess we should even more do that cause otherwise we might loose members.
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