Imagemagick problems

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Imagemagick problems

Post by vvo »

Hi Oliver,
I have installed PHPWCMS on two different machines;

a) Windows 2000, with Apache, php, Imagemagick 5.5.7

Creating a thumbnail gives an error until I corrected in '' the path to convert. I just hardcoded the path and voila it is working.

But the Windows 2000 setup is my develop environment at home.

b) Cobalt RAQ4, with Apache, php, Imagemagick 5.4.9

Imagemagick is installed by our ISP and is installed in /usr/local/bin .
In a telnet window I can type convert and it comes with the correct output, giving me the version no etc.

However the thumbnail creating option doesn't work. I thought I could do the same trick as described above the true path to convert but unfortunately it doesn't work.

Can you help me? Or are there other users running with a Cobalt RAQ4 system?

Johan Vorsterman van Oijen, Netherlands.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

a) Windows 2000, with Apache, php, Imagemagick 5.5.7
Insert the path value to your environment setting var PATH.

b) Cobalt RAQ4, with Apache, php, Imagemagick 5.4.9
Do you have PHP SAFE_MODE on? Hardcoding the path is not neccessary on your ISPs server because there the path to ImageMagick is registered.

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Post by vvo »

Hi Oliver,
Thanks for your reply.

a) after installing and resetting the W2k server the path is inserted but still the Imagemagick thumbnail creation doesn't work. Hardcoding the path is up until now the only solution that works for me.

But never mind the Cobalt server is more important, that's the production server.
My ISP installed Imagemagick that is correct but still phpwcms comes with the error 'error creating thumbnail'.

Could it have something to do with ANY temp directory Imagemagick uses?

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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

What's with PHP SAFE_MODE?

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by vvo »

Sorry Oliver,
forgot that part.
SAFE_MODE is off ....

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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

can try this in "act_imagick.php" in line 121? Make

Code: Select all

	echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"error\"><strong>error while creating thumbnail</strong></td></tr>";

Code: Select all

	echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"error\"><strong>".$create_preview["error"]."</strong></td></tr>";
What error is it?

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by vvo »

Oliver thanks for the quick help so far.

The error is ....

'no thumbnail exists'

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Post by Oliver Georgi »

One again for debugging :(
make a new line after line 85 (before the comment //check if file really...) and put in:

Code: Select all

echo "<pre>"; print_r($create_preview); echo "</pre>";
Post the array info please.

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Post by vvo »

Here's the requested output:

[error] => 0
[max_width] => 538
[max_height] => 400
[image_name] => 1_4.jpg
[target_ext] => jpg
[thumb_text] => _NmqBWLkMuU
[image_dir] => /home/sites/site3/web/wcms/phpwcms_filestorage/1/
[thumb_dir] => /home/sites/site3/web/wcms/phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview/
[image_thumb_name] => 1_4_NmqBWLkMuU.jpg
[command] => convert -colorspace RGB -type TrueColor -sharpen 2x40 -geometry "538x400>" -quality 85 -density 72x72 "/home/sites/site3/web/wcms/phpwcms_filestorage/1/1_4.jpg[0]" +profile "*" "/home/sites/site3/web/wcms/phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview/1_4_NmqBWLkMuU.jpg"

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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

Maybe there is a write access problem for "/home/sites/site3/web/wcms/phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview/ ". Can you check this first - you need write access for "/phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview/" and "/phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list/" - maybe also for "/phpwcms_tmp/".

ImageMagick seems to return no error itself! Hmm? [error] => 0;

Thank yoo
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Post by vvo »

I thought you would say that so I already double checked the permissions.
Al mentioned directories are chmodded 777 ....

It really puzzles me ...

Thanks for the help so far.

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Post by Oliver Georgi »

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by MarcoB »

I have the same problem and the same error messages here too

do you allready know what solves the problem ?
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Post by vvo »

@MarcoB: there isn't a solution yet .... :cry:

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what php version are you using ?

Post by MarcoB »

what php version are you using ?

I'm using 4.3.3
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