exit.php beim VTS

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Post by jmeyknecht »

hmmmm. hard to say...

wondering why you are getting an error in .../conf/phpOpenTracker.php at line 212. my file just ends at line 211.
maybe error in this file?
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Post by CodexX »

i think i just have one free line more than you.
installing this mod you have to enter your data in this file. so i did. everything works fine (frontend, backend, vts logging etc.) except for outgoing links :(

i write links like this

Code: Select all

[EXT http://www.google.com/]google[/EXT]
and they are shown like that

Code: Select all

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Post by CodexX »

really nobody out there with a solution? i really need it :?
please ...

vllt noch auf deutsch:
seit ich das vts eingebaut habe, funktionieren keine externen links mehr. es kommt die fehlermeldung, wie vor postings geschrieben. liegt wohl an der exit.php, die das falsch ausgibt. kann man das lösen?
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error on exit.php

Post by Quarks »

Hi everybody,
I have similar problems like CodexX has on outgoing links. Everything else work fine. I get the following error msgs:

Code: Select all

Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Parser.php:344) in /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Container.php on line 133

Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Parser.php:344) in /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Container.php on line 133

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Parser.php:344) in /srv/www/htdocs/123/html/exit.php on line 53
Any idea how to solve this? I'm using Release: 1.1-RC4A 27-08-2004 and the provider provides MySql 4.0.15-Max.
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Post by fury »

i am also getting an error. this didnt happen when i first installed the VTS mod, but has started just a few days ago..

Code: Select all

Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/loud1633/public_html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/conf/phpOpenTracker.php:213) in /home/loud1633/public_html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Container.php on line 67

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/loud1633/public_html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/conf/phpOpenTracker.php:213) in /home/loud1633/public_html/exit.php on line 53
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Post by joscha »

hello again,

i installed the vts too, and got the same problems like Quarks. all patches are installed (which solved the problems on the main pages).

btw: for what function do i need the exit.php? only to get the exit-page entry?


schon wieder ich,

ich habe auch das vts installiert, und bekomme die gleichen fehlermeldungen wie quarks. ich habe alle patches installiert (was die fehler auf den hauptseiten behoben hat).

btw: welche funktion stellt die exit.php zur verfügung? nur die eintrage der exit-pages?

Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004
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Post by CodexX »

is there really nobody capable to fix this problem? it's the same with v1.40. :(
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Post by TAOG »

joscha wrote:btw: for what function do i need the exit.php? only to get the exit-page entry?


btw: welche funktion stellt die exit.php zur verfügung? nur die eintrage der exit-pages?
exit.php is the only file that will listen all links u are doing outside yor side.

exit.php zählt doch erst die externen links. ohne diese datei geht es doch garnicht.
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