exit.php beim VTS

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exit.php beim VTS

Post by bachi »

Ich hab das VTS installiert. Und jeder externe Link geht ja bekannterweise über exit.php
Das ist auf einem meiner Server auch kein Problem. Alles funzt tadellos.
Aber nun habe ich das CMS auch auf einen anderen Server installiert, und da kommt bei jedem externen Linkaufruf über exit.php die Fehlerseite des Providers.
Hat das vielleicht damit zu tun, dass sich die Fehlerseite des Providers so wichtig vorkommt und sich vor meinen externen Link schiebt *g* :roll:

Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.
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Post by derD »

welcher provider ist es denn ?
Ich sagte doch: ich geh nie wieder in den Bau.
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Post by bachi »

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Post by derD »

hm. sry. da kann ich jetzt auch nur spekulieren, ohne mich eingelesen zu haben. aber ich vermute die ursache in der config des webservers. vielleicht wie der ein redirect oder rewrite der url behandelt.

habe mal in den source der exit reingeschaut, aber scheint ja alles ok zu sein.
Ich sagte doch: ich geh nie wieder in den Bau.
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Post by jmeyknecht »

ich glaub ja nicht, dass es der provider ist...

wenn nen 404-Error kommt, dann ist das doch meistens ein Indiz dafür, dass die Seite nicht gefunden wird ;-)
wo liegt denn deine exit.php?
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Post by TAOG »

könnte es sein das du die exit.php nicht im root zu liegen hast?
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Post by cchhita »

HI could someone please translate this page for me in english?

I am having a problem with VTS, where by some of my links no longer work, and now show up with a URL beginning with exit.php?
It seems to me this user is having a similar problem, but I cannot tell as I am only reading the key words - and I cannot speak this language.

Thank you
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Post by jmeyknecht »

bacchi had a problem that his external links using exit.php caused an 404 error.

probably this was caused because his exit.php was not in the phpwcms root directory.

with VTS you external links will be logged using exit.php

exit.php will redirect to the "real" external link.

this won't work, if you don't put exit.php in the phpwcms root directory.
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Post by bachi »

My problem doesn't exists any more... :D
I'd found the mistake.
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Post by cchhita »

Hi Bachi!

great! Can you please post your answer to your problem please?jmeyknecht - yes, this is the exact problem I am having!

Where is the exit.phpfile? and do I have to add all my external links to this file?

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Post by TAOG »

cchhita wrote:Hi Bachi!

great! Can you please post your answer to your problem please?jmeyknecht - yes, this is the exact problem I am having!

Where is the exit.phpfile? and do I have to add all my external links to this file?

the exit.php file is on toplevel of the extracted zip archiv. u need only one thing to do. copy this file in ure root directory of your website. i think it is the same place like ure index.php and phpwcms.php is placed )
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Post by jmeyknecht »

yup. TAOG is right.

exit.php is in the MOD ZIP. copy exit.php into your phpwcms root directory (where index.php and phpwcms.php are) and that's it.

the code for redirecting is in the howto. if you installed VTS using the howto you will already have included that part of code.
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Post by bachi »

my problem was very simple: i forget to upload the exit.php file.... :oops:
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Post by cchhita »

Thanks for that guys!
Have moved the exit.php into the root directory and all is good now!!

Thanks again for the help. : :D
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Post by CodexX »

hey guys!

Code: Select all

Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/www/*myacc*/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/conf/phpOpenTracker.php:212) in /home/www/*myacc*/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/Container.php on line 67

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/*myacc*/html/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/conf/phpOpenTracker.php:212) in /home/www/*myacc*/html/exit.php on line 53
does anybody know how to fix this problem? it occurs ervery time i click on an external link. (since i installed vts)
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