Prefered language to communicate in these Forums?

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Prefered language to communicate in these Forums?

Post by StudioZ »

While here, I figured out, by curiousity, that it would be interesting, to create a poll, just to know in which language the community prefer to communicate in the forums... 8)

Thanks for your inputs :wink:

Oh well.. I tried to create this poll but... it is not working. I says that I have to enter at least two options (what I did) and no success :roll:
Have you ever saw a poll that gives only one option? :lol:
Even with only one answer's choice, it says: "You must enter at least two poll options."

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Post by Pappnase »


for me it's german and english. :wink:
Carlos Rocha
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Post by Carlos Rocha »


This is a german forum, to talk about a german CMS (this, however, stands for Content Management System, in english...).

In fact it seems that there are lots of germans that only know german, even if they work with internet stuff (what doesn't make sense to me, but...)

If you have a question you can put it in english, because there are some good guys in here (like Pappnase :D) that don't mind to talk in english, but we (not germans) are limited to just a part of the information.

Even when the questions are posted in english, sometimes the answers are made in german (well, they say it's german, but i'm not sure; seems chineese to me :shock:).

I still don't understand why, but it's the way it is :roll:

Post by Pappnase »

hello carlos

your thread was exellent.

well i often wrote if there is an there is an thread in german wich you will think it's important ask for an english transtlation. so i think somebody will translate them or bett will wrote an summary of this thread.

for me it also often very difficult to wrote in englisch. but i'm happy that all (the most) understand me :wink:

and carlos some of the forum users are really only know german but the most i think can english also but haven't the experience to writ ein english. i had from the 5th up to the 10th class in school english lessons so thats 16 years ago. but i survive here in the forum with google and :wink:
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Post by StudioZ »

Thanks for your input Carlos ;)
Thanks for the tip Pappnase ;)
BTW: By now, you must be quite "clean".
I can see you all the time taking a hot bath :lol:


PhpWCMS Evangelist, -- Running phpWCMS 1.4.2, r354 -> Great Version!!!!

Post by Pappnase »


yes sure i get sweat from typing answers :wink: :lol:
Carlos Rocha
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Post by Carlos Rocha »

Thanks Pappnase, I know you always do your best and, like me, you have problems to write in english (we both talk like indians :oops:).

About your proposal to translate some thread that I might be interested in...let's make a deal: I will post a question in portuguese and if the subject matters to you, I translate it to german and greek. Gotcha? :mrgreen:

I'm joking...portuguese is easier :lol:

mit freundlichen Empfehlungen

Post by Pappnase »

hehe carlos

i understand what you mean! but we need to arrange it's an german / english forum we help each other. so it's the only solution taht we try to translate. cos if we have 2 forumss one for english one for german we (german/english writers) we get mad. i think.
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Post by darkknight »

My two cents worth.

One of the commentators observed that "This is a german forum, to talk about a german CMS ..". I have to disagree. The author is German and the site is physically located in Germany. But once a site goes on the web it becomes global. In terms of language, the common denominator for the web is English.

The phpwcms member list shows that you have members from around the world. So maintenance of the common language is important.

So for those of you who have taken the time and effort to translate from German into English, and on behalf of all of us who can not read German, many thanks!
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Post by duergner »

I fully agree with you, that the commen language in the web should be English. But the problem I see is, that there are more and more people coming up even as system administrators you can't even really read English.

I for myself think that this a a very dangerous way that will lead to. But as the prices get lower and lower nearly everyone can afford getting webspace or even a server.

I would be very pleased if all forums of especially OSS would be in english, but I think that will never happen.
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Post by spirelli »

I think that the forum works great as it is. I feel that people get a very similar level of help regardless of whether they post in English or German. Yes, there seems to be more documentation available in German, but it should be no problem for an English speaker to grasp phpwcms. Posting in these forums should be the final answer for most English speakers' problems.

I am German but have deided to post my questions in English to make 'my' threads accessible to a wider audience. But I also stronly agree with anyone posting in German. This makes phpwcms accessible to German speakers who don't speak English (well).

I think this dual language forum is great for the moment.

Post by Pappnase »

spirelli wrote:. Yes, there seems to be more documentation available in German, ...

this will be changed in the future i work hard on the docu site to publish more content for the english part!
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Post by darkknight »

That would be appreciated Pappnase
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Post by isac »

I think English should be the main language. There is to many translations available right know and that tell us this is an international community.

I would like to know Oliver Georgi opinion because phpwcms website is writing in english too.
There are many others cms, but their weakness is support because only speak or write in german soo they loose popularity and users...
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Post by pepe »

Hi phpWCMS-Freunde,

die bisher geschriebenen Beiträge sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache vorgenommen worden.
Damit nicht der Eindruck entsteht, es gäbe hier nur englischsprachige Benutzer, mein Beitrag in DEUTSCH.

Ich sehe nicht ein, warum unbedigt ENGLISCH als Standardsprache verwendet werden soll oder muß.
Damit wären die Benutzer, die wenig oder ggf. garkein englischen Sprachkenntnisse verfügen, sofort absolut ausgegrenzt!
Das kann nicht die Lösung sein.

Warum nicht, wie bisher, weiterverfahren? Jeder schreibt in der Sprache, die er gut beherrscht. Wenn er dadurch ggf. keine Antwort bekommt, weil aus dem eigenen Land kein fähiger Kopf vorhanden ist ...
Pech gehabt.

Wer mehrere Sprachen spricht, hat Glück und partizipiert auch von den anderssprachigen Fragen und Antworten...
Glück gehabt (oder in der Schule besser aufgepasst!)

Komisch ist, daß bisher der Wunsch nach ENGLISCH als Standardsprache ausschließlich aus dem entsprechenden Sprachraum gekommen ist :wink: Kein Benutzer dieses Forums hat sich, soviel ich verfolgt habe, darüber beschwert, daß viele Fragen und Antworten ausschließlich in ENGLISCH erfolgen. :!:

Deshalb mein Schluss: Alles so lassen wie es ist :!:

Z.Z bekomme ich täglich einen Berg an eMails (bis zu 75 an Wochenenden oder Feiertagen) von deutschsprachigen Benutzern, die um Hilfe bitten, weil sie an den ausländischen Beiträgen in diesem Forum nicht teilnehmen können :!:
Sollte hier die deutsche Sprache zu den Akten gelegt werden, sehe ich mich kaum in der Lage, auch diesen Teil der Benutzer noch mit Hilfe und Informationen zu "versorgen".... lasst mich bloß nicht hängen Jungs :cry:
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