I am running all my phpwcms presites on my devserver (IB-server) that works great..But when I start apache the ms-dos window stays in the bottombalk of windows..How can I get it to go to the tray?? Some simple solution for this?
Might help to tell you that I'm running it on a WIN98-SE system..
Greetings from Martin
Apache window?
I'd suggest starting it thru a VBS-file. UniServer is (well, can be anyway) started this way. (This HIDES the console command window, it doesn't tray it!)
Try making an example.vbs:
To know if your server's running and online and all, you could use a small application like HostControl. My PC starts like this with first Apache, wait 5 sec to give it time to start, start MySQL, wait another 5, start HostControl. Works great.
Try making an example.vbs:
Code: Select all
Dim WSHShell, dir, fso, f1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.run "drive:\path\application.exe",0,0
'could be:
'WSHShell.run "w:\usr\local\mysql\bin\mysqld-opt.exe --defaults-file=my-small.cnf",0,0
'to run MySQL hidden, as an example :)