Database Schema

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Posts: 279
Joined: Fri 20. Feb 2004, 17:04

Database Schema

Post by ionrock »

I was looking at the phpwcms_articlecontent table and noticed that some of the fields are binary blobs. I was curious what the implication and purpose of the setting. I understand the database can do things like hold images and such but since it appears this is merely html data I was wondering why it was binary then. Maybe for php code? it is required by the rich text editor? Any insight is appreciated :)
Posts: 279
Joined: Fri 20. Feb 2004, 17:04

Maybe an answer...

Post by ionrock »

Well I think I have found that with the database field set as a blob with the data being binary it allows for the data to be in UTF-8 format which allows for better international language support. At least that is what I think it is like that for. If someone has any info please let me know :)

Posts: 279
Joined: Fri 20. Feb 2004, 17:04

some updates

Post by ionrock »

Well I think I was more or less right about the blob data types so I am going to say my answer about it was correct.

Also if you are hacking on phpwcms you should consider naming conventions. I changed a bunch of names for a blog module to reflect the table names of other tables. I also changed column headings to do the same. If you can keep syntax and coding style the same as what you found then please do so

Code: Select all

echo "string " . $variable . " more string";
should be written like

Code: Select all

echo "string ".$variable." more string";
This is how Oliver has been doing thing so we should too :)[/code]
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