Few formating quoestions

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Posts: 65
Joined: Tue 2. Dec 2003, 23:58
Location: Finland

Few formating quoestions

Post by Marko »

Hi again!

While I was playing with my latest release I encountered few problems with PhpWcms and its way to format pages. Here's one of them.

When I use Text w / image block in editor, it seems that I don't have any control over the linebreaks. At least all of my articles are formatted as plain html. Of course I could use good old <br /> tags to include linebreaks into my text, but this seems a bit odd to me.
Posts: 65
Joined: Tue 2. Dec 2003, 23:58
Location: Finland

SOLVED, at least for my purposes...

Post by Marko »

Open /include/inc_front/content.article.inc

On row 111 the definitions for block Text W / Image begins. There is all together 7 separate clauses for switch operator, find rows:
Change this into
and you'll get your linebreaks right
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