Please look at this pictures:
When I use php include function and add this file using content part "ext.content"
Code: Select all
and I get this on fronted:
or this (depending on forum configuration):
And when I put all link to forum (http://www_mysite_com/forum/index.php):
I get somethnig like this:
This look ok and all links in forum are http://www_mysite_com/index.php?id=24,0,0,1,0,0&action=vtopic&forum=1
but I can't go inside forum. When click on this link I'm still on the forum front page
BTW... miniBB has a very usefull option in setup file. U can declare default index page for forum:
Code: Select all
Forum scripts use this variable to create forum links. If I change $indexphp to my forum page in phpwcms (like above) I get links:
Code: Select all