Proxy feature for integration

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Joined: Sat 27. Aug 2005, 16:34

Proxy feature for integration

Post by tsl »

I have been trying to integrate other php apps into phpwcms but it's giving me so many problems.

I would like to see some kind of ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse solution that apache use to be able to easily integrate external apps into phpwcms.

i.e Create a content page that acts as a proxy for an external url. The external site would be shown where {CONTENT} is defined. I think this way the external site can work 100% within phpwcms...if it would work like apache mod_proxy

Right now I'm giving up on trying to integrate DVR Helpdesk to our main site :cry:. I have tried with mod_rewrite but it's getting out of hand.

What do you think...possible?
