help/support in exchange for free hosting

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help/support in exchange for free hosting

Post by Sevenupcan »

edit: Well too late now, looks like I might have already figured out how to do it myself, in which case your too late. lol. Sorry. Who knows, i could still stuck with something and cry for help again.

I'm currently trying to get a hobby site up and need it up pretty soon. Being not so good at php, i've come here in the hope that one of you might be able to aid me in the success of my online project. Please read right to the bottom of this post before you decide to disregard it.

What i need is someone who can reassuringly recreate this menu (please view in a browser other than Internet Explorer, until i get it functioning in IE) to work in phpwcms, modifications are still yet to be made, so this is not a final version.

The difficulty with this menu is that it has to change according to what changes are made in the site structure in the backend of phpwcms.

Also if you can create a calendar that automatically displays my articles in the right order that would be a plus. I need to be able to update an article and it automatically appear in the right slot in a calendar.

The main reason for not doing it myself is that one I am rush for time at the moment, and two, i don't have the technicall skills required.

Of course i wouldn't ask for such a job for free, what I am offering is 1000mb of web-space for one complete year, with php, MySQL, subdomains, auto-responders, you name it. There will be no pop-ups, pop-unders or text-ads, or any links that are mandatory from your site.

I hope that the moderators of this forum do not mind me posting this.

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