Permanent URL for articles?

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Joined: Sat 20. Nov 2004, 06:39

Permanent URL for articles?

Post by fnord »

Is there a way to get a URL for an article that doesn't change even if the article moves in the site structure? I thought maybe something like index.php?id=52 would always get me article number 52 but that doesn't seem to work.

I'm sure there must be a way. I've thought about giving every article an alias by adding a directory to the site structure for every article...but with more than 100 articles in my site I'd rather not. I'd sure love to be able to add aliases to my articles directly but I don't think that's possible (at least yet!).

Thank in advance for any help.


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Post by spirelli »

That would be a lovely thing to be able to do!
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat 20. Nov 2004, 06:39

My workaround didn't work

Post by fnord »

I thought I could workaround this issue by making lots of directories in the site structure. Unforunately, then the automatic summaries that are generated by phpWCMS are then lost since there are no articles in the "main directory". Let me explain with a diagram.

Code: Select all

  Topic 1
    Article A
    Article B
    Article C
By reorganizing that structure to this:

Code: Select all

  Topic 1
    Article A Dir
       Article A
    Article B Dir
       Article B
    Article C Dir
       Article C
In "before" when you go to topic 1 you get a nice summary of all the articles in it. In "after", naturally Topic 1 is empty and you have to write up a summary manually.

Unfortunately, now I have popular pages on my website with URLs that read:

Now if I even move that article to a new directory, I will lose all the links to that article. I think the best solution to this would be a "alias" like field on the articles similar to the one that already exists on the directories. I know it doesn't exist yet but I'm hoping for it.

Anyone else have a good workaround?

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