Strange File Center Problem

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Strange File Center Problem

Post by Lazy »


The problems with safe_mode and File Center is pretty well documented but explain this to me.
I have two sites and domains running at the same web hotel and as far as I can understand on the same server. PHPWCMS is installed by a friend of mine on one of the domains and the other PHPWCMS is installed by me. The server is using safe_mode on both sites, BUT on my friends installation, the file upload and the file center works to 100%. On mine it doesn't, I have used this fix and the ftp upload is now working. I have talked to my friend about this and all he know is that he got problems with file center but suddenly it worked, he doesn't know what he has done to make it right. :?
Two questions:
What has he done right and I have done wrong?
Is there going to be a better solution for the filecenter?[/url]
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