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Frontend login

Posted: Fri 29. Oct 2004, 11:02
by rsantifort
I am very desperate! Still waiting for the frontend user login feature. I need it badly because I am building a website where some information only must be visible for members of the site.

Oliver, is there allready a beta version with this feature? I think many people are waiting for it. Maybe we can sponsor you for building the v1.2!

Is there someone who build a stable frontend user login hack to use for the time being? That could be a solution for my problems.

Thankz & Greetz!

Posted: Fri 29. Oct 2004, 12:39
by duergner
There is already a third party hack available.

Posted: Fri 29. Oct 2004, 18:22
by ragi
Look here, there is an 3rd Party hack for frontend login.

Posted: Wed 3. Nov 2004, 19:29
by nkosztad
OK, I turned off my firewall for my site, but I have only one problem left!

I couldn't upload files with file center!

Posted: Wed 3. Nov 2004, 20:07
by Pappnase
nkosztad wrote:OK, I turned off my firewall for my site, but I have only one problem left!

I couldn't upload files with file center!

check permissions!

The current hacks are difficult to implement

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 13:11
by rsantifort
I am not an experienced programmer and find it very difficult to implement all the code in the hack section.
Also in different posts aer corrections suggested, but no versioning and combined zip file contains the most recent version.

Is someone able to put a zip file together with the frontend login hack and clear instructions with the possible most errorfree code.

Does the frontend login hack work with the show menu for logged in people in the backend completely?

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 13:37
by duergner
AFAIR is a version available that will also deal correctly with hidden structures in the menu.

I would put all these things together when I would have the time to do so.

I would suggest to either read the posts and try to implement that things yourself or to wait till Oliver will release the next version which will have these functions already integrated AFAIK.

Posted: Wed 8. Dec 2004, 17:52
by Buster
kann mir jemand sagen, ob und für wann eine version mit frontend login verfügbar sein wird ? ansonsten würde ich mal den hack von ragi einbauen ...


Posted: Sun 12. Dec 2004, 23:43
by gEnTi
Ich habe ebenfalls ein/zwei Kunden die auf diese Funktion gespannt sind, aber zur Zeit halt warten auf das Feature.. Ich hab sie zwar angehalten zu spenden, aber ich denke nicht, dass die das gemacht haben :-(