trivial, but don't know exactly :-( CSS and menues

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trivial, but don't know exactly :-( CSS and menues

Post by cyrano »

Hi to all,

please give me a kick to my brain LOL.

When I want to setup a new css-class for e.g. a menue, which does not use the standard Replacement-Tags, how to adress them right?



.menueBold {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #444444;
line-height: 14px;

Then I want to setup in my template with this css for menue items, which i want to place on a variable distance (spacer) to each menue item like:

" home{SPACER:60x1}products{SPACER:60x1}company{SPACER:60x1}contact"

When I adress them with "[ID products]products[/ID} i get the predefined css class.

does this means I have to use the adressing of the URL like normal HTML?

When the selected item is clicked I want to have this than in bold when showing this page. Possible?
Thank you for enlighten me :-)
Gruß/ regards cyrano
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Post by Hunter58 »

You should try this:
in the CSS file:
#mymenu { css defs }
and some dedicated sub classes like
#mymenu a:link { }
#mymenu a:visited { }
#mymenu a:hoover {}

With this etup you could change the appearance of the menu when you hoover over or click the items.

I think to make this work you should enclose your menu items with a div tag like <div class="mymenu">[ID alias]menu item[/ID]</div>.

I'm not totaly sure the div will work but it's worth a try :wink:
Hunter58 :lol:
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