Complete rewrite of the old ionrock calendar module.
- calendar categories
- easy administration in backend
- contentpart to add calendar data to your website, choose teaserview, listview, mini calendar view and link everything together
- give your users the option to filter the data (define your own filtercriterias)
- frontend translation
- everything is done with templates and css, you are free to give your data the look YOU want
- frontend ajax extension available (only donationware)
Some important security fixes where done, so please update immediately to V 1.1 when you use the module in live systems.
When you update you should go to the language section and update each language once, there was a bug acc. to specialchars in V 1.0.
And, as always, when updating go to each cmCalendar CP and save them once to get the new functions included.
Some new features were included while further testing, see documentation. Thanks to linuxluder and DanielF for the inputs!
I need some help: Where can I edit the default template? In those folders "mod_cm_calendar/template/cntpart" are just the two templates which you'll see when using the drop down menue. But where can I edit the default template?
And a second question: Where can I delete the word "Titel" which appears in front of the titles?
Please create an template named default.tmpl, thats it.
If there is no one or you haven´t pick up a template, the hard coded template in /inc/cnt.article.php is is used.
CSS: Please insert your favored classes into your master css file like frontend.css ..... or pick up a css file in cp-module.
Word Titel: [LANG_TITLE]{LANG_TITLE}: [/LANG_TITLE] or edit the module language section of the used FE languages.
Thank you. May be you'll be able to answer another question. At the end of my calendar template there is this tag:
The link to a selected article is working, but in the forntend the link is not entitled by the articles name I just linked to, instead there is only the word "Artikellink" in <a href="index.php?aid=117">Artikellink</a>. Is there a chance to get the title of the article?
I have another question concerning the article link: When I'm selecting the article I want to link to, I can't select articles from the home category. Why is that?