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How do I do this?

Posted: Sat 10. Apr 2004, 18:23
by Moozie
I would like to create a button and a page called "story".
When I click story-button I want the text to appear. Until here all is simple.

But in that text on this page I would like to make some click-throughs without the meny button story-button to change. So these extra pages may not have an own button. Because if I create an extra item in the admin (let's say "story2") then that page story2 has it's own button.

Any clues on how to do this?


Posted: Sat 10. Apr 2004, 18:27
by ionrock
I think you are talking about creating articles that are public without making the site structure they are in public so it doesn't show up in the menu replacement tags. Maybe a little more info would help.

Posted: Sat 10. Apr 2004, 18:34
by Moozie
Yes that's right.

So, if I click on story-button, the story text will appear. In the text is a text-link to another article (story2) and if you click that link the menu will still be showing "story". So you see the text of page story2 but the menu button of story...

Posted: Sat 10. Apr 2004, 20:19
by ionrock
I think I understand now what you are saying. What you can do is make a structure level under the story level that is not public. In that new structure level is where you put the story2 article and make that one public. If you then go to the story2 article only the story part of the menu will be shown b/c the story2 structure level is not public. Let me know if that is what you were thinking of.

Posted: Sun 11. Apr 2004, 16:44
by Moozie
Yes that's it. Only when I click on story2, the page story2 is shown without any menu button (that is correct). But I thought that also the active page in the menu is gone. When you click a button, that button becomes white instead of grey and that means that that page is active. You know what I mean. After clicking the page2 link in the text I see a menu with no white button.

Understandable because the button of the page is hidden. But on site I see that Oliver has also such text links and when I click that link, the active menu button (white) keeps in tact.

Posted: Mon 12. Apr 2004, 04:05
by ionrock
I am a little lost again it seems. I think an example would be best ;)

Posted: Mon 12. Apr 2004, 05:01
by Moozie
On the left you see in the menu a white nutton, representing the active page --> "erni". When I click a text-link (in the example called "story2") in the text of the "ernu-page" as described above, he goes to a hidden page (as you suggest) called "story2". But then as you can see, there is NO WHITE ACTIVE BUTTON in the menu when page "story2" is loaded. All the menu buttons are GREY!!!. Because he wants to show the menu button of the page "story2", which is hidden.


Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 14:22
by argos
I have exactly the same problem/question. Anyone have a solution??

Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 14:34
by pSouper
what version of phpwcms are you using?
have been playing with
in anycase just check that within
the paths are set as desired..

Code: Select all

$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_norm"]			= "img/frontend/menu/******";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_over"]			= "img/frontend/menu/******";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_active"]		= "img/frontend/menu/******";

Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 14:39
by Moozie
pSouper: paths are correct because I do see the white "active-button", but the problem is that when I click a link with a TEXT LINK to a hidden page (a page with NO BUTTON IN THE MENU) then he leads me to the correct hidden page, but the WHITE-MENU-button disappears and a grey one takes his place. So leaving the menu with NO ACTIVE BUTTON at all!!

It was better that if you are lead to a hidden page, the WHITE-ACTIVE-BUTTON of the page that contained that text-link to the hidden page was still active.

Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 14:50
by pSouper
i don't understand you here...
are you saying when you call a HIDDEN page there is no refference to it in your menu? there shouldn't be.. it's hidden. I guess the reason for this is that the hidden page can be in stored within any stuctre at aby level and this could start to get messy.

I did say i don't understand you problems :)

Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 15:05
by Moozie
Yes right. But I want a page with a correct white-menu button and I want to create a text-link in that page goto another page (I don't care if it's hidden or not) but I would like to be it as if it's part 2 of that first page. Like a "read more" or so.

I thought this could be done. On I see this page:,0,0,1,0,0

But this is maybe done with the summary option?

Posted: Wed 14. Apr 2004, 15:08
by argos
pSouper wrote:what version of phpwcms are you using?
have been playing with
in anycase just check that within
the paths are set as desired..

Code: Select all

$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_norm"]			= "img/frontend/menu/******";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_over"]			= "img/frontend/menu/******";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_active"]		= "img/frontend/menu/******";
I use the previous release. To be honest, I don't see what the has to do with it. The menu works allright, but just not when linked to a "next" article.