root folder?

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root folder?

Post by Angus »


I uploaded the phpwcms to a directory like public_html/phpwcms/ ( )

I notice that the index.php is located inisde this directory as well. Would that be possibile have the index.php in root directory? So the design is in ?

Or I must do this by upload phpwcms file to root directory in order to achive this?

Sorry, my English is not good.
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Re: root folder?

Post by DeXXus »

Angus wrote:Hello,

I uploaded the phpwcms to a directory like public_html/phpwcms/ ( )

I notice that the index.php is located inisde this directory as well. Would that be possibile have the index.php in root directory? So the design is in ?

Or I must do this by upload phpwcms file to root directory in order to achive this?

Sorry, my English is not good.
Hello Angus!! Welcome :D

You CANNOT move ~just~ the "index.php" (or "phpwcms.php"), BUT, if you re-install with your domain's root directory as the destination for phpWCMS's root... then you will be alright (as long as you do not overwrite ~your~ important root files that may share the same name)

I hope my English makes sense to you :roll:
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Post by frold »

you can redirect via a javascript in a html file - not the best solution or you can use a .htaccess file and insert this to it - hope it works Im not so good at it:

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Redirect /index.html
place it in your root Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by pSouper »

can you you could have your index.html in the root folder with a meta refresh or links t oindex.php. this is how a lot of sites including HTTP:// do it.
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Post by frold »

or you could make a index.html file with this code:

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<script language="JavaScript">
or this:

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<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=phpwcms/index.php"> Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by Angus »

Thanks everyone. I am going to try it. :)
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Post by Jan212 »

point your domain with your apache and a virtual host entry to the root folder of phpwcms...
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
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Re: Root Folder

Post by gogoguerilla »

I have a follow-up to the original question...

(I, too, am a newbie :? )

I understand that I can install the contents of the phpwcms foler into the root of my site; however, these are files I would call "private" - meaning that only site administrators/authors need or have access to them.

In order to keep my server clean (and organized), it would be nice if I could keep all the phpwcms files in a SEPARATE folder than the actual public files (which would be located in the root folder). When I need to login, I can just go to the subfolder. Editied/posted content would be published to the public files.

I hope this makes sense as this issue is the main thing keeping from getting going with the site.

Please let me know if you need clarification. THANKS!
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Post by ionrock »

If you want to have your phpwcms files where they are not accessible to your websever (ie below the document root) then you can simply make your root of phpwcms something like ".." and just keep index, login, and phpwcms.php files in your root folder. That is more or less how you would do it but I haven't tried it yet so your milage may vary.
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Post by gogoguerilla »

Right.. Thanks for the info; however, it didn't work. :(

This is what i get when I try and access

Code: Select all

Warning: main(./include/inc_conf/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.galla/user/ on line 26

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './include/inc_conf/' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.galla/user/ on line 26
Do I need to make any other changes in the conf file (other than changing the root dir to "..")? Thanks.
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Post by ionrock »

I see the problem. I think you might have to keep the files in the same directory as your index, login, etc. I didn't think this was a problem but it appears it is b/c the includes do not check for the phpwcms root, only things like the file mananger and image functions do. I have a feeling this has to do with the fact that some users would need to have an absolute path (ie /home/www/user/www/phpwcms) for the includes to be filesystem agnostic. That could be a pain for some users who have hosts that are not very clear on how they have their servers setup.

I am sure there is a way to make the files more separated. You can do some server side configuration such as making the virtual domain point to your phpwcms directory or use some .htaccess magic to make things more secure but the easiest thing to do would be to just install it in your doc root (or where ever you need it) and let it be at that. I am not a server guru so others might have a better answer (deXXus is the man from what I have seen ;)). Sorry I don't have a better answer. Good Luck with it and if you have a more specific idea maybe someone or myself can be of more help.
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Post by gogoguerilla »

ion... so i decided to have a bit of fun with BBedit and simply changed all the file references inside the index, phpwcms and login files to point to the appropriate directory. Set, yeah? Not quite.. none of the images were working, so I had to change the "img" tags in the "inc_tmpl" directory.. so far it's all working...

However, I wonder if I would have to change all references to the "include" directory in all the files to be relative to the domain root folder where the actual site content will be (vs. the phpwcms folder). Any thouhgts?

Thanks for giving me the inital idea - I hope this will work. (knock on wood.)

By the way, your (personal) site is fantastic... very graceful - haven't checked the other, yet.
Sad update.... It didn't work (you probably could have guessed)... But I'm still convinced that there's a way to do this.

Here is my idea: Is there a way possibly to change the way the files are published so that they publish to a different directory than the one that the phpwcms folder is installed in?

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Post by ionrock »

What you could do is make a variable in conf files array for your doc root for your files that will be accessed through php (ie the includes) and then leave the images and other similar items along such as the file manager stuff since any web browser is going to need to be able to get to that. Once you make the php root (ie /home/www/myusername/ or something) you can just add that to the includes like

include_once $_PHPWCMS['php_doc_root']."./WhateverOliverhashere.file";

That will make things better in the long run. But I think you have the idea even though it kind of sucks to go through everything like that. Hope it works for you though. I would be thinking though you should be able to do things in a way so when there are upgrades you can make them less painful than going through every file changing the doc root kind of stuff ;) Good Luck
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Post by gogoguerilla »

Oh dear... I don't follow at all - this is prob frustrating for you.

At this point, I think I'm probably best going with a clean install (seeing as I haven't really created any templates worth keeping at this point).

I think I will use the suggestion you made in another thread - to place all the files in a directory outside (below) the root (public) directory but I'm still not clear how exatly that would work in regards to loggin in, etc. (I sent you a PM regarding doing that.)

However, I still would like to at least be able to understand what you are suggesting here (because I'm a dork like that).

Regarding this string:

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include_once $_PHPWCMS['php_doc_root']."./WhateverOliverhashere.file"; 
Where is being placed? - in What is "./whateverOliverhashere.file"?

Again, thanks for your help (and patience). I want to be able to get this working but I'm excited about learning the new stuff as well.
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Post by ionrock »

Well, when you look in your conf file you will notice that it is just on big array. So you would just create a new entry in the array. This may sound tough but when you look at it, things will be really easy. For example this is the entry for the doc root in relation to the site (for things like images and links)

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// this is your website
$phpwcms["site"]              = "";

// this is where phpwcms is installed
$phpwcms["root"]                        = ""; 
So, the way you would echo a link to an image in your phpwcms root, for example would be as follows:

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echo "<a href=\"".$phpwcms['site'].$phpwcms['root']."myimage.jpg\">link text</a>
Now that works b/c the browser is calling that file so it is the server that will give the browser the file. But the difference when you do something like an include or include_once in php is that it is php getting file for itself so the whole stuff doesn't make sense. Of course php can still include a foreign file but if you wanted to include a file on the server then would be going about it the wrong way.

The reason for this is pretty simple. If you browse to a page in your browser coming off a server it has been parsed by the server. The server has already interpreted whatever code that was written and all you get is plain text/html. But when php goes and gets a file from the file system it sees it as unparsed and trys to do things with it like read variables and functions. This makes it possible for php to get files from any where on the server when the web server will only get files from specific places.

With regard to making to different roots, what I mean is making a root for the server and one for php.

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$phpwcms['php_root'] = "/home/user/";
$phpwcms['root'] = "";
This may not make a lot of sense... but at the same time it does. When php wants to include a file it does something like this

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include $phpwcms['php_root'] . "./include/myfile.php";
// includes the file "/home/user/include/myfile.php"
By doing this then it is below the doc root of the site so it is not accessible by a browser but it is still accessible by php. For an image though something like this would be done

Code: Select all

echo "<img src=\"" . $phpwcms['site'] . $phpwcms['root'] . "/images/myimage.jpg" />";
// the image source is
// there is nothing after the b/c there is nothing 
// at the $phpwcms['root']
If you installed phpwcms in a folder called cms for example, $phpwcms['root'] would be "cms" so the url above would change to

That is pretty much it! That was a pretty long post so I am going to bed! Good luck and always remeber is the best documentation you can find so learn to read it and you will be a php guru in no time ;)
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