Only Display Parts Of An Article

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Joined: Thu 18. Mar 2004, 05:26

Only Display Parts Of An Article

Post by gte451f »

Good Day All,

First off, I am really impressed with the software so far. It is really polished and I appreciate the attention to detail that Oliver has put into this.

That being said I am confused about a feature relating to Repalcement Tags. I have been up and down this forum and haven't found anything explaining my question.

I have a server up and installed with no problems. A sample article is available at: ... ,2,0,0,1,0

The problem I am having is breaking up parts of the Articles that I have created.

I stumbled upon the Replacement Tag {Content} and dropped it in the "Main" part of my layout. I now have a page that shows all the parts of an article. A subtitle, title, summary etc...

My question is, can I break this up and only show the Article's Title in one place then request the Article's Subtitle to appear somewhere else? Then only displace they Body or main chunk of the article in the Main part of the page?

I saw somthing like {Content:1} and that looked promising, I also saw a hack by Spiruo called the "Content Tag Addon" but didn't quite follow it's purpose.

If anyone has a suggest as to how I can request and print out only certain pieces of an Article at a time let me know.

Oh and thanks for putting most of the site in English for us lazy Americans who refuse to learn a 2nd language!
Posts: 279
Joined: Fri 20. Feb 2004, 17:04

Post by ionrock »

I think you have missed one of the best parts about phpwcms which are the content types you can add to an article. The way I have used phpwcmns is that a structure level is like the page and the article is the content. You add content types to an article to build the specific parts of your page. I wrote a short tuturial about this that you can find by clicking on the link below for my phpwcms developer site.

There is also spirous patch if you wanted to try that out as well. Have fun.
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