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Problems with "upgrade filestorage"

Posted: Mon 14. Aug 2006, 07:38
by nukia2
This weekend I touch my running system to made a update from 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004 to 1.2.6, so I get many problems, most of them I could solve with a big support by "flip-flop" - many thanks.

ok, another unsolved problem is that the prozes "upgrade filestorage" didn't work. In the folder phpwcms_filestorage there a lot of new files but the have the size 0 bytes. If I want start the prozess "upgrade filestorage" in the folder setup again, I get 0 entries.

One solution could be that I upload the old files manually and put them in the you have any ideas to automate this prozes?

Posted: Mon 14. Aug 2006, 09:34
by Oliver Georgi
I think you should try to upgrade again using your backup!!! Hope you have one.

Before doing it check permissions of the folder. For the upgrade it should be chmod 777.
