Problems with "upgrade filestorage"

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Problems with "upgrade filestorage"

Post by nukia2 »

This weekend I touch my running system to made a update from 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004 to 1.2.6, so I get many problems, most of them I could solve with a big support by "flip-flop" - many thanks.

ok, another unsolved problem is that the prozes "upgrade filestorage" didn't work. In the folder phpwcms_filestorage there a lot of new files but the have the size 0 bytes. If I want start the prozess "upgrade filestorage" in the folder setup again, I get 0 entries.

One solution could be that I upload the old files manually and put them in the you have any ideas to automate this prozes?
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

I think you should try to upgrade again using your backup!!! Hope you have one.

Before doing it check permissions of the folder. For the upgrade it should be chmod 777.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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