Today I upgraded to 1.2.7 and tried the captcha functionality in the guestbook.
The image is rendered correctly in size, but it seems that the letters are overlapping. The image itself is 5 letters wide but all 5 letters are rendered on the position of the first letter.
Ich habe ein ähnliches Problem mit dem Captcha in Version 1.2.8 mit allen Patches. Beim Seitenaufruf sind keine Buchstaben im Captcha Bild, sondern nur der Bunte hintergrund. erst nach mehrmaligem Neu laden der Seite erhalte ich Buchstaben. Woran kann das liegen??
Mfg, Martin
I have a similar Problem on 1.2.8 with all Patches.
There are no Letters in my Captcha Image. I have to refresh the Page about 5 - 6 times before there are some letters. What could the reason for this problem be?
I hope that's not the problem. I'm currently running this Site on PHP v 4.4.0. But I don't think that there's a way my webspace Provider will upgrade just for me