stick and have a question

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stick and have a question

Post by dowdo »


just testing the phpwcms for the first time. Created some category, template, etc. Created an article. Now when adding new text to the same article there is an option (called "display") to select (IMO) at what part of the template to appear (CONTENT, LEFT, RIGHT, HEADER, FOOTER). OK but it appears only at CONTACT part, if I chose LEFT for example it doesn't show. (Note at the template nothing is entered at the "LEFT" section as I noted if there is anything, only this data will be displayed).

Am I doing something wrong?

Another question is - at the ADMINISTRATION / frontend setup: page layout - there is an option "blocks" with 4 choises plus "custom" - what is this "custom" and what is expected to be entered at this field?
Posts: 34
Joined: Thu 3. Mar 2005, 21:38
Location: Augsburg/Germany

replacement tag

Post by Ren.Hoek »


you have to use the "new" replacement tags (introduced in Version 1.2.1): {LEFT} or {RIGHT}... respectively instead of just leaving the template section blank.
Here are some more info, but in German, on Pepe Peperkorn's helpful website: ... here.phtml

The "custom" block is the mightiest of them all :) It means you define the whole layout inside the "main"-content block of your template leaving left, footer... and so on blank. Using for example DIVs and css-class names you are able to control your whole layout through the frontend.css (or whatever css you select). If you like it more the "traditional" (?) way, you could as well use a table layout. Then just place the replacement-tags for navigation, content and so on in the approbiate places.

Maybe more information can be found searching e.g. for "tableless layout" inside this forum.

Cheers, Ren Hoek
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