Problems with the RTs of the mygallery-Mod

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Problems with the RTs of the mygallery-Mod

Post by stefanlo »

Hello !

I've made an install of the mygallery-mod. After one day of trying
it works. I can create an Album. It was a fine hour for me, i went
to the fridge for a beer.

But now i have a problem, i can't resolve. I've read all i found about
the integration of the Gallery into the frontend, but it won't work.

Please - i need your help.

This is what i've done:


I created an Album with 1 Picture.


I made a Category with the Name "Media" and added a Content "Code" with
{MYGAL}, to see the Overview of the Albums. This works. In the frontend
i see my Album-Thumbnail. This Category has no Alias.

With the mouse on the thumb, the link is:

Shouldn't it be with "mygal" like: ??????


I created a Category with the Name "Album" and the Alias "mygal".

Under this Category i added a Content-Part "Code" with the RT "{MYAL}


I created a Category named "Pictures" and the Alias "mypic" - at least
i tried. The Alias-Name always gets changed by the sytem - for example
to "mypic_s8d". Maybe this happens cause i already tried a lot of times
to build Categories for this Gallery ?

What happens, when i now try to open a Gallery is, that nothing happens.

I would be very lucky, if someone could help me.


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Re: Problems with the RTs of the mygallery-Mod

Post by DeXXus »

stefanlo wrote:4.)

I created a Category named "Pictures" and the Alias "mypic" - at least
i tried. The Alias-Name always gets changed by the sytem - for example
to "mypic_s8d". Maybe this happens cause i already tried a lot of times
to build Categories for this Gallery ?
I'll leave the first three questions for users "familiar" with this enhancement.

The answer, to the last question, is that phpWCMS will not let you use an alias more than once... to avoid duplication, confusion, or conflict.
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Re: Problems with the RTs of the mygallery-Mod

Post by ronnyn »

stefanlo wrote:Hello !
I've made an install of the mygallery-mod. After one day of trying
it works. I can create an Album. It was a fine hour for me, i went
to the fridge for a beer.
But now i have a problem, i can't resolve. I've read all i found about
the integration of the Gallery into the frontend, but it won't work.
Please - i need your help.
This is what I have done:

1) Comment out the first lines in ../mygallery/inc_lib/main.functions.php
//Main functions for the gallery module
function fmod($x,$y){
$i = floor($x/$y);
return $x - $i*$y;
2) Creat an album with at least 1 picture.
3) Make a category with a name "What-ever-you-want1" and add an article with content {MYGAL} (type "Code" or "plain text"). you can give this category an alias "photos" or anyting else.
4) Created a category with a name "What-ever-you-want-2" but with the alias "gallery" and put {MYAL} and {MYPIC} in an article with html-content (structured with TABLE or DIV).
5) Created a category with a name "What-ever-you-want-3" but with the alias "album" and add an article with content {MYPIC} (contentype "Code").


Now http://www.xxxxx.yyy/index.php?photos shows an overview of your album(s) and ...

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Post by stefanlo »

Thank you, i will try it again..

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