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Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 17:43
by nukia2
ok, I upload the files now with the Total Commander and the now works...also to UPGRADE FILESTORAGE

But I can't login -> look this

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getremoteip() in daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/ on line 165

Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 18:20
by flip-flop
Total Commander:

Konfiguration -> Einstellungen
-> FTP -> Standard Transfermodus: Binär
-> FTP ->[X] Benutze standardmäßig den Passivmodus

And don´t use "Wandle Dateinamen in Kleinbuchstaben um" !!!!

Please upload the file "/include/inc_lib/" again.

Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 18:38
by nukia2
all right, I can log in, but after login is nothing ??????


Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 19:12
by flip-flop
Using this TC-settings please upload all files again.

Your FTP tranfer doesn´t work right. I don´t know why. (FTP timeout????)


Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 20:05
by nukia2
I upload all files with the TC-settings, i get no failure message, but after login there is nothing??


What can I do? New install, but I have a lof of sites and articles on my site....can I restore this?

Posted: Sat 12. Aug 2006, 23:58
by nukia2
Please help me, what can I do now, my site is down.... :(

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 12:24
by flip-flop
Good morning, nukia2,

please check your path settings.

The old one (Kill all):
1.1RC.... wrote:// site values
$phpwcms["site"] = "";
$phpwcms["admin_email"] = "";

// paths
$phpwcms["root"] = "";
$phpwcms["file_path"] = "phpwcms_filestorage";
$phpwcms["file_tmp"] = "phpwcms_tmp";
$phpwcms["templates"] = "phpwcms_template";
$phpwcms["dir_thlist"] = "thumb_list";
$phpwcms["dir_preview"] = "thumb_preview";
$phpwcms["content_path"] = "content";
$phpwcms["cimage_path"] = "images";
$phpwcms["ftp_path"] = "phpwcms_ftp";
The new one at /config/phpwcms/ wrote:// site values
$phpwcms["site"] = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/";
$phpwcms["admin_email"] = "";

// paths
$phpwcms["root"] = "";
$phpwcms["file_path"] = "phpwcms_filestorage";
$phpwcms["templates"] = "phpwcms_template";
$phpwcms["content_path"] = "content";
$phpwcms["cimage_path"] = "images";
$phpwcms["ftp_path"] = "phpwcms_ftp";
And please compare your old config (1.1.RC) to your new one (1.2.6).
Please don´t run the old config at the new system.
Catch the new (1.2.6) config and fill up this entries above.


Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 12:47
by nukia2
yes I have modified the config

Code: Select all

// database values
$phpwcms["db_host"]           = "";
$phpwcms["db_user"]           = "Username";
$phpwcms["db_pass"]           = "password";
$phpwcms["db_table"]          = "my_wcms";
$phpwcms["db_prepend"]        = "";
$phpwcms["db_pers"]           = 1;

// site values
$phpwcms["site"] = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/";
$phpwcms["admin_email"] = "";

// paths
$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']          = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$phpwcms["root"]              = "";
$phpwcms["file_path"]         = "phpwcms_filestorage";
$phpwcms["templates"]         = "phpwcms_template";
$phpwcms["content_path"]      = "content";
$phpwcms["cimage_path"]       = "images";
$phpwcms["ftp_path"]          = "phpwcms_ftp";
but it doesn't work??

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 13:09
by flip-flop
Please copy the file document_root.php (/setup/document_root.php) into your site root and run.
Have a look to the output and change your

If the site is running, please kill this file and the folder setup. :wink:

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 16:50
by nukia2
Ok, I run the document_root.php


Code: Select all

phpwcms DOCUMENT_ROOT test

This file has to be placed in your web root - do not
put it into any subdir of your webspace

1) your default $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']: daten:/usr
2) real DOCUMENT_ROOT based on this file : daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/

If (1) and (2) not equal then add following
line at the end of your but before ending "?>":

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = 'daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/';

Check if this is corresponding with the subdir
in which phpwcms is installed:

$phpwcms['root'] = "vhosts/4AL04/www.meinedomaint/htdocs/setup";

If so - everything is fine too, also if this is empty.
Maybe some leading/ending slash "/" is there.
That's no problem here, but remove leading or
ending slashes. Do never use the backslash "\"
in paths on Windows - this may fail.
So I put

Code: Select all

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = 'daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/';
at the end of config.php

Then I delete the folder setup.

But I doesn't work, after login there is a blank page !!!

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 17:25
by flip-flop

Code: Select all

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = 'daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/';

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 17:30
by nukia2
ups, ok, but I doesn't work

Posted: Sun 13. Aug 2006, 17:40
by flip-flop
wenn du magst, gib mir bitte eine ftp-Zugang per pn.

$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = 'daten:/usr/vhosts/4AL04/www.mydomain.tld/htdocs';