Upgrading from version 1.2.9 to current (missing CPs)

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Upgrading from version 1.2.9 to current (missing CPs)

Post by anthony.abraira »

I have several local installations of phpWCMS. Most of them are or were 1.2.9. I overwrote the 'img' and 'include' directories as well as update the contents in the 'template' folder. I have gone ahead and done each upgrade in increments (1.2.9 to 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 to 1.3.3)

No errors. The installation runs smoothly and before I know I am back and logging into the system reflecting the new version. However, when I go to add some content parts, I noticed that some of the new ones like 'Image <div>, glossary, faq are not showing up. The 'lightbox' feature successfully implements, but it seems that some of the CPs just don't update. What determines the CPs? Is that part of the SQL file?

Is there a method for getting those CPs to show up?
"The trick is living without an answer."

Post by Pappnase »


please re-upload the complete include folder.
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