The way PHPWCMS is currently going...

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The way PHPWCMS is currently going...

Post by ShyGuy »

I just installed latest version 1.3.2 and I was wondering about the things which have been implemented in. I visit this forum very often and I try to read as much as possible - improving my skills in handling this CMS which I really love. But I definitely was not able to find users asking for all the new multimedia content I can find in the latest two versions. But I've seen a few (!) different hacks for efficient and powerful FE-users management. And I also saw lots of (!) users asking for a permanent solution for that...
I think that I'm not the only person who was disappointed with the poor FE-login, given with the latest version !
I'm not sure if it's the best way, Pico is going to do with his extended PHPWXMS-XT; but it seems that the development process constantly ignores what the community is asking for: easy upgrades, user management and others...
The development is not open for others - this should be accepted; but all the users following the promises given by the developer can expect closer information about the way, this CMS will go in the near future... making their own decisions based on a reliable road map...


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Post by macangelo »

Hi Stefan,

I totally understand your wishes and your concern. I have the same wishes and the same impatience, well, - what can we do?

Oliver pointed out what the next steps are, that the FE-user management is now just a first step of something more elaborate and that it is going to come. I totally trust that he can do it - the question is when?

Oliver sometimes shyly mentions that a payed project comes into his way. Which I can perfectly understand. I also need to eat every now and then. And I also don't want to sleep with my Mac on park bench. And here is our chance:

I just went to his PayPal link and donated tiny little 10 € - let's be honest, for most of us that's a tiny little nothing (Two tiny little latte macchiato double shot at Starbucks ;-)).

Let's use leverage: we are 4818 registered users in this forum. Let's assume a tenth of these 4818 are active phpwcms users ... Don't you think that would give him a tiny little space to assemble a tiny little bit of what his genious brain is breeding out?

(And the good part is: if we want later more we could even do it again!)

And speaking of updating the documentation: the same thing applies for the other Oliver with his I couldn't copy his PayPal link but you find it on his site.

Thanks for listening.

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Post by ShyGuy »


you're right when you ask for financial support for the excellent work he did and yes, we all should pay a fee which everybody can determine...
I often read his PayPal notice on the bottom of his posts but I always was looking for help and I blinded that totally out. :oops:
But the focus of my original post was the way he provides information or better that the information given is too spare. It's interesting to know what is coming, but there's absolutely nothing about their priority and time of being realized.
I personally need closer details because I need to decide if I have to look for an alternative or if it comes to that point where most important things are implemented in and the rest would be nice-to-have...
If the most basic things (user management, …) are completed I would have a stable installation which I can (!) upgrade or not. But today I go with every single update to keep on the same level. But updating the installation is sometimes a little rough. E.g. I did not understood why the three folders have got new names, making the upgrade more complicated and much worse is, that older posts from this forum are no longer valid if they affect these folders - bad for new inexperienced users...
In my opinion he makes the upgrade too complex by trying to have a most universal upgrade routine. If the upgrade considers only the last version he can support us all with a very simple to use upgrade routine. If I decide to upgrade from 1.2.6 to 1.3 I have to upgrade to 1.2.8 first - no problem if the upgrade is optimized for this single step !
And by handling it that way, more and more users would come to the same level making the support much easier.

Enough - hope you did not felt asleep while reading... :mrgreen:


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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

It's impossible to give all information to community because then I will not be able to develop any line of code. And beside work there is more - my live...

I respect wishes of community - most functions are based on such inspiration - or result of paid work. Thanks to all customers and donors for supporting me!

I'm not able to define a time line. I tried often - always did not work. This is more frustrating than not knowing - for everybody including myself.

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Post by StudioZ »

Well said macangelo 8)
macangelo wrote:... I just went to his PayPal link and donated tiny little 10 € - let's be honest, for most of us that's a tiny little nothing (Two tiny little latte macchiato double shot at Starbucks ;-)).

Let's use leverage: we are 4818 registered users in this forum. Let's assume a tenth of these 4818 are active phpwcms users ... Don't you think that would give him a tiny little space to assemble a tiny little bit of what his genious brain is breeding out?

(And the good part is: if we want later more we could even do it again!)
I once tried to unite the community by challenging to dare click the PayPal Donate button and... only a few, reacted. If I well recall.

I still wish we could find a way to stimulate the community towards unifying our efforts to support Oliver's master CMS development.
This is not any CMS. After all this is THE ultimate CMS we choose to help us make a living out of.

The develpment has been so much accelerated since Oliver quitted his job last fall. Imagine the development.... if Oliver could really rely on the community ponctual donations and concentrate on his baby.

How could we make it happen ?
Should we proclame PhpWCMS Day on Oliver's birthday ?
Shouldn't we ask every site owner (clients) to donate to Oliver before making a site with PhpWCMS ?
Any ideas are welcome....
Let's make it happen for Oliver and us, the community.


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Post by juergen »

StudioZ wrote:Well said macangelo 8)

Shouldn't we ask every site owner (clients) to donate to Oliver before making a site with PhpWCMS ?
macangelo did a very usefull job! A link where my BS Paypal worked .. without any further check how it should go. 10 Seconds ! Perfect !

Now Clients are my target 8)
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Post by Quizmaster »

I think it's a very good idea to reward Oliver for his effords. I tried a few months ago to hit the paypal button on his website but this link didn't work. I will try it again next week.
I used phpwcms now for about 10 websites which makes a little bit of money, so I don't dare to complain about new modules to be implemented. I'm very happy with the CMS as it is now and it will be better everytime an update is available.

Thanks Oliver !!!! :wink:
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

For all having problems sending money using PayPal - all you need is this: phpwcms-paypal-donation at phpwcms dot de.

For all European donors - you can ask for my IBAN/BIC to send money by Euopean bank account transfer (if this is supported by your bank and for your country - all countries having EURO support this).

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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