Some minor bugs

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Posts: 10
Joined: Tue 11. Nov 2003, 17:36

Some minor bugs

Post by Vadim »

1. When i cut a structure level and then paste it, the image remains red arrow, but it should be scissors.

2. When I create a new category, specify an alias and then delete category, system does not allow me to specify the same alias for another category, it adds random characters after it.
Posts: 68
Joined: Fri 5. Mar 2004, 11:24

Post by kaju74 »

It seems, that phpwcms doesn't realy delete the items in the database but mark them for deletion. Take a look at your db and figure out, which attic items you may manualy delete!

There's a feature request for a button (in the admin interface) to do that automatically (also for unused files). We hope, that Oliver implement that in a further version :D
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue 11. Nov 2003, 17:36

Post by Vadim »

Jeah, i can see now: table phpwcms_articlecat, column acat_trash

Normal articles have 0, deleted - 9