mod_rewrite für Dateien! :-)

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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mod_rewrite für Dateien! :-)

Post by destiny »

Summary for english - speakers:
The code modifications in this article allow to modify the displayed download path for the web browser, so it will display

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for the original filename of the file
instead of PHPWCMS standard
the following link-

PHPWCMS ist eine der besten CMSen weit und breit, einziger Nachteil war für mich bisher, dass Dateien zum Downloaden nicht in der Form

Code: Select all
 sondern z.B:  
verlinkt waren. Dank dem absolut genialen Mod_rewrite das die Apache-Götter geschrieben haben, ist es möglich diesem Manko Abhilfe zu schaffen, durch erstellen / modifizieren von nur zwei Dateien.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Zunächst mal, wie schaut das ganze dann besser aus?

Code: Select all

Wie man sieht, wird die gesamte Information erhalten, und mod_rewrite macht daraus intern (d.h. für den Surfer nicht sichtbar!)

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Ok. Jetzt zum Code! :twisted:

Achja noch kurz auf Voraussetzungen eingehen:
1. PHPWCMS ist in einem toplevel - Verzeichnis installiert (d.h. z.B.

Code: Select all
 und nicht
PHPWCMS is installed in a toplevel directory
2. Es wird kein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen downloads unter diesem toplevel Verzeichnis benutzt ... (wenn doch, dann ist es u.U. nach diesem Mod nicht mehr zugänglich)
the directory downloads won't be accessible if exists

Ok. Jetzt wirklich zum Code!
:twisted: :twisted:
Zunächst die .htaccess

Code: Select all

RewriteEngine on 
#The holy grail code :-) Took me around two hours to figure out.
RewriteRule downloads/([^/]*)/.*$ /download.php?id=$1 [L]
#and now for the custom 404 doc
ErrorDocument 404
Please customise the lower 404 part, else it'll display my 404.
Save this file as .htaccess to your root directory (where PHPWCMS should be located, see above! If not, it's easy to modify the approach.)

After this you also need to modify the
Search for fsize (part of a word, NOT whole word!)
look above for the following code-part

Code: Select all

"<a href=\"download.php?id=".$fxb[$key]["size"].",".$fxb[$key]["fid"].",".
												$fxb[$key]["uid"]."\" title=\"download file ".
												$fxb[$key]["fname"]."\" target=\"_blank\">".
Replace with:

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"<a href=\"downloads/".$fxb[$key]["size"].",".$fxb[$key]["fid"].",".
												$fxb[$key]["uid"]."/" . $fxb[$key]["fname"] . "\" title=\"download file ".
												$fxb[$key]["fname"]."\" target=\"_blank\">".
Thats it. Upload the modified file and enjoy :-)


* Is PHPWCMS in the root directory of the domain / subdomain?
(Above has to be modified if not so)
* Your Provider may not support Mod_rewrite on apache ... try with a little .htaccess script like this

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RewriteEngine on 
RewriteRule index.html index2.html [R,L]
This will basically relocate from index.html to index2.html, and the user will be aware of it. if this does not work I think your mod_rewrite is off, or I am too tired already :-)
* This is only for your web downloads, NOT for the internal downloads after logging in (additional modification needs to be done for this.)

:twisted: @Oliver hope this finds somehow its way into PHPWCMS (as an option, maybe?)
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Post by Jan212 »

good idea, good work, thank you for sharing with us...
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
null212 - Büro für Kommunikation und Design
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Post by destiny »

In the new version, Oliver has moved the content parts includes out of the central into several files. As such, the hack had to be modified ... You can download the updated version of the hack here: It is basically the same procedure with .htaccess and mod_rewrite, but you need to replace in include/inc_front/content with the patched file now instead of editing!. (To revert to the old state easily (why would you want to?) you could backup the other file first.
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