URGENT - CMS Login Issue

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URGENT - CMS Login Issue

Post by submike »


We recently lost our website DB about 2 weeks ago. I've spent the last couple of days rebuilding the site (http://www.illinoislegalaidonline.org/index.php). Everything was going fine until today when I tried to log in to the CMS.

When logging in, I enter the correct username and password and then hit enter. The page refreshes to the same screen and shows that I'm online. I can't seem to get past this screen. Any ideas?

We would like to go live today.

Thanks for any help in advance,

P.S. I'm using an older version of PHP WCMS (Release 1.1-RC4) running on MySQL 5.0.19. I know I need to update to the latest version, we just don't have time at the moment.
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Post by ff123 »

I also had this problem. Turned to be a Database problem. Posted in this thread:
http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.p ... highlight=

When restoring an old DB, let phpwcms create the DB structure, then import old DB, as described below (in dutch):

Mysql migratie probleem: bij backupfile aanmaken "compatibility" aanvinken. Uiteindelijke oplossing:
- via phpwcms setup de tabelstructuur aangemaakt
- Vanuit localhost db geexporteerd naar .sql file, msql 4.0 compatibility aangevinkt, replace commando's gebruikt.
Vervolgens de .sql file geedit, de "create table" commands verwijderd.
Daarna de .sql file geinsert in de database op de site

Regards, groeten,
-- Vuurvos --
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Post by submike »

Thanks for the help.

Would it be possible to translate the Dutch? Babel Fish did not do the best job as you can see below:
Mysql migration problem: at backup traffic-jam "compatibility" produce aanvinken. Eventual solution: - produced by means of phpwcms setup the table structure - From localhost db geexporteerd to sql traffic-jam, msql 4.0 compatibility aangevinkt, replace use commandos. Vervolgens the sql traffic-jam geedit, the "create table" commands removed. Afterwards the sql traffic-jam geinsert in the database on the site.
Thanks again,
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Post by submike »

It appears to be an issue with the database. What's the best way to resolve this?

I provided a current screensnap of my PHPWCMS phpMyAdmin page below. I have a couple of questions on what to do next:

1. When exporting this database, what boxes should I check?
a. This is the current DB that is not working. After exporting, is there anything I have to do to make sure it will work when importing after the DB structure's been restored?
2. How do I let phpwcms REcreate the DB structure?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Much appreciated,

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Post by flip-flop »

Hi submike,

its all ok. First make a db backup.

1. SQL ; Select All
2. Compression: What you like
3. go and save the file at your HD

Next I would activate the database.
1. select the table phpwcms_userlog
2. Select the show mode (in german its called Anzeigen)
3. Select the last page (last user user log entry)
4. have al look into the column logged_in

5. If this field shows a 1 , the system thinks this user ist logged in.
6. edit all fields showing the 1 to 0

7. Have a login into your backend. I hope this will operate.

8. Have a second look into the user log.
9. Logout at backend
10. Have a third look into your user log.

So it works in V1.2.6. I hope 1.1R is the same.

Sorry for my bad english.

regards Knut
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Post by submike »

Thanks for the tip, flip-flop.

When checking out the DB, all user fields were 0, so I don't think that's the issue.

I ran across this link, http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/error_messages.phtml and going to give this a shot.

I'm contacting my host, to see if they can set
session.use_trans_sid = 1

Currently, it is set to 0.

Post by Pappnase »


if i remeber right you cann enebale that also via htaccess. but i don't remember how the right command was :-(
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Post by DeXXus »

For a ".htaccess" file you should add the following line:

Code: Select all

php_flag session.use_trans_sid ON

Post by Pappnase »

DeXXus wrote:For a ".htaccess" file you should add the following line:

Code: Select all

php_flag session.use_trans_sid ON
thanks dexx :-)
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Post by DeXXus »

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Post by submike »

Thanks for all the help, much appreciated.

The host provider turned on session.use_trans_sid, however, I still cannot login. I would like to try ff123's recommendation, but can't translate the Dutch portion of his post. Also, I may need more guidance, as I'm more of a graphic designer than a programmer.

ff123 Quote
When restoring an old DB, let phpwcms create the DB structure, then import old DB, as described below (in dutch):

Mysql migratie probleem: bij backupfile aanmaken "compatibility" aanvinken. Uiteindelijke oplossing:
- via phpwcms setup de tabelstructuur aangemaakt
- Vanuit localhost db geexporteerd naar .sql file, msql 4.0 compatibility aangevinkt, replace commando's gebruikt.
Vervolgens de .sql file geedit, de "create table" commands verwijderd.
Daarna de .sql file geinsert in de database op de site
ff123 or anyone else, can you help out?

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Post by DeXXus »

submike wrote:ff123 or anyone else, can you help out?

This what he was referring to:
Let setup create the tables.
Then just insert the data with a .sql file (edit the .sql file and remove the "create table" commands)
I'm not sure it's gonna help, since you're starting over, right? Your database "login" just went "on the fritz". Did you completely lose your database? I think he is "keyed in" on restoring your old database and being able to log in to -IT-!
(This advice was intended for moving a site from one version of MySQL to another)
In effect, he is saying... to backup (export, dump) your database from phpMyAdmin to a .SQL file, strip out all the commands that "create tables", save it as a separate .SQL file. Then, use the phpWCMS SETUP folder on your site to create those tables anew as part of a "fresh" install, followed by importing that "modified" .SQL file!

Did you consider #4 here?
http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.p ... wice+login
I would throw in this change for trouble shooting purposes:

Code: Select all

// site values
$phpwcms["site"]            = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/";
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Post by submike »

Thanks DeXXus,

Here's the full story to give you idea of what I've done (wrong).

About 2 weeks ago we lost our current version of our organization's website that was being run from an in-house server. Since then, we moved our site to an external host and I began working on developing the site over. To get things started ASAP, I started developing the site on one of my sites (http://ilao.redone.org). Once we got our organization's account set up, I uploaded all of the PHPWCMS files and made the appropriate changes to the conf file. I then dumped the DB and imported it into phpMyAdmin on the new server (http://www.illinoislegalaidonline.org/index.php). Everything worked fine until the next day when I tried to login to the CMS to make additional copy changes. So, it was working fine and then it wasn't.

Going Forward:
1. I guess the part I don't quite understand is how do I let setup create the tables? Do I have to erase all the files and start from scratch?
2. What does the .sql file look like when removing the "create table" commands? Here's a portion from my current .sql file:

Code: Select all

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phpwcms_address`;
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_address` (
  `address_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `address_key` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `address_email` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `address_name` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `address_verified` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `address_tstamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `address_subscription` blob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`address_id`)
Thanks again for all your help,
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Post by submike »

I've tried a couple of things wihtout any luck:

1. tried $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and it appears to be right (http://www.illinoislegalaidonline.org).
2. added the following to the config file

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['root'] 			  = '';
3. I set the following in the config file based on info provided by the document_root.php

Code: Select all

4. The host provider set

Code: Select all

session.use_trans_sid = 1
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Post by submike »

I don't know if this is useful, but thought I'd throw up here as more info for debugging. The site worked fine on both originally.

uses PHP version 4.3.9

uses PHP version 5.0.5
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