New template / tags ?

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Posts: 24
Joined: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 22:36

Post by jmj »

pepe wrote:{NAV_ROW:2:0}

The navi starts in Cat ID 2 and shows all Categories UNDER this given CAT... but there are no = 0 = nill = null = nix = niente categories!!!! only articles :roll:

Put some subsub-categories under SUB1... and you will see :roll:

Try that first: {NAV_ROW:0:1} :!:
Yes its succesfully, so if i want an artikel in the menu i basicly make a new Catogorie. And put the articel under the Catogorie. Are my right ?

This means that non admin users cant make articels and publish them in a new catogorie couse they dont have te premision :evil:
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