setup>step5 not reconising directories

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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

Can you send me FTP account infos. I will have a look.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by pSouper »

YAY - it's working for the first time, thnkas for all your help.
As it turned out to be session stuff, another thread here had SESSIONTEST.php & code that helpped me work it out.

now all i have to do is learn how the site works - still can't find where new users register :) - but whoi needs new users? they are the root of all problems :) and are never gratefull [enough] ;)

ps the seesiontest.php file is not working in netscape7.1 but is in ie6.x
and so the recurrsive login page problem still continues on netscape.

many thanks Oliver &co for the help and mostly for phpwcms
as a graphic artists I'd love to be of assistance to the project in any art way should you require - just ask.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

If the seesiontest.php is not working then it is due a misconfiguration of netscape. I use Mozilla 1.5 - fuck Netscape. :wink:
Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by pSouper »

I have since reinstalled php and phpwcms and now I'd like to report that the session test is working fine on netscape & IE. - no bugs to report other than user error :)
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