
post released sites here made with phpwcms
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Post by FastPhive »

Die 06'er Edition der splash! Festival Website ist online und natürlich wieder mit phpWCMS realisiert.
Kritik & Anregungen nehme ich sehr gern entgegen.

Danke Oliver & Team für diesen genialen Code!
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Post by Jan212 »

mal wieder sehr sehr geil - respekt.
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
null212 - Büro für Kommunikation und Design
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Post by FastPhive »

Danke! :oops:
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Post by trip »

very very nice site....
did you create the menu using css....?
my only suggestion would be to move the site right to the top so that the header sits at the top of the browser, the breadcrumb does not fit in where it is right now... either take it or move it somewhere else...

apart from that great effort
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Post by FastPhive »

hi trip,

thanks for your approval!
yes, the main menu bar is made with pure css and the help of some images and list tags. I've tried my best until now to get rid of most of the hard coded tables and make this site as XHTML/CSS compliant as possible. Unfortunatly i was short in time so i had to hurry up and do some "quick & dirty" stuff. But i will take care for the rest of these damn tables an replace them with divs asap.

This white bar on top of the page is not really made for the breadcrumb. it should have space for some "service links" as sitemap, search... anyway i like it there and i guess it will stay there. :wink:

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Post by trip »

I think the site is great...
well done on the css :-)

did you change phpwcms code at all on the content parts for pure css??

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Post by FastPhive »

well, not certainly all but most of them had to be tweaked. i will only use a couple of CPs so i could save some time editing.
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Post by Heiko H. »


kann da nur zustimmen, geile Seite.

Da Du ja aber gebeten hast seinen Senf dazuzugeben, will ich das doch auch machen, obwohl's eigentlich O T ist.
Ich würde die "OSCommerce-Standard-Grafiken" im Shop verschwinden lassen, nicht Buttons usw. sondern die oben rechts im "pageHeading".
Aber das ist natürlich Geschmacksache...

Grüße Heiko...
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Post by FastPhive »

moin heiko,

danke für den senf!
der shop ist definitv "ugly as hell" und wird noch komplett überarbeitet (an layout der hauptseite angepasst).

bis dahin bitte einfach ignorieren...
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Post by Ben »

Wow - I really like the banner for your site! Looks like you spent a bit of time creating a custom template for Coppermine. I probably would have iframed it, but your solution is more complete (and time consuming).

For the tickets section, you may want to look into iUser from http://www.intensivepoint.com. There's a demo here - http://www.iuser.intensivepoint.com/order.php
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Post by Kosse »

Hi FastPhive

you got my vote here too, pretty neat!
Mucho niceness, like it :P Not only your design (whitespace use quite cool) but also coding effort, you've entered my top phpwcms-made sites!
Clap clap 8)

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Fulvio Romanin
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Post by Fulvio Romanin »

very nice site - i like to see OTHER festivals using wcms - but remember who did it first! hee hee 8) :lol:

just joking - greetings man, very nice work, really :)
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Post by FastPhive »

hey fulvio,

i think it's another of how great this WCMS is. by the way i use wcms since last year.

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Post by FastPhive »

hey fulvio,

i think it's another proof of how great this WCMS is. by the way i use wcms since last year.

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Post by Fulvio Romanin »

yeah i know - you do the summerjam site too?
both summerjam and reggae splash sites last year adopted wcms - btw, if you don't know, i'm the guy behind http://www.rototomsunsplash.com :)

(and man, it's starting to be a problem, backend-wise: some 700 pages atm...)
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