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Use GitHub to post feature requests for phpwcms.
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Joined: Sun 15. Jan 2006, 05:55

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Post by 10speed »

I have only been evaluating phpwcms for a week now, so forgive me if I have the wrong end of the stick in some places.

1) File based templates, I understand the logic behind (and see advantages in some situations) of the current page layout/template system. But a system using template files, perhaps vanilla html files, containing the replacement tags. Perhaps the admin section could display a drop down of a 'templates' directory.

2) Work flow controls, this seems to be the biggest point of difference between most open source and 'enterprise' cms solutions. It would be good if phpwcms allowed a simple author/editor structure, per section would be wonderful but site wide would still be very useful.

3) improved ide, this is a complex one. It would be great to have a simple method of creating my own replacement tags. But in conjuction with this some communication with the page/site is also required. So maybe a documented page object and some site wide classes. This would make things like creating custom nav. etc easier than they currently are.

I hope these dont sound like complaints, because I am happy with phpwcms and do intend on using it for my future projects.