An Event Calendar Mod

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by sixtonveit »

Hello again,

thank you, i have done this. Now i can klick on the days but the "allevent" don´t open. Can you take a look on my Project above ?
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Post by volkman »

In the left navigation of your homepage you got your calendar displayed with a RT like this one

replace the 0 with the alias of the page (structure) you wanna link to.
Lets assume you got a structure (Admin->Seitenstruktur in German) that is called "termine" the RT above would have to be


In the article that is "sitting" on termine you place the RT


for displaying the eventlist like you do now. The links from the homepage are working then from the homepage a click no an day that holds an event opens the alias-page


i just checkes your homepage - looks very nice btw - you dont use aliasses or? Don`t know if this is gonna work with something like "index.php?id=17,0,0,1,0,0" meaning

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Post by cvjm »

I had the same problems as "sixtonveit".

Now some of them are fixed - many thanks, volkman!

But there's still another open problem: if I am not logged in, I can't switch the month in the calendar-square (navigation). It doesn't work neither with the arrow-icons nor with the combo boxes.
Only if I'm loggin in the backend, then I can change the months in the frondend.

What can I do?
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Post by flo »

hey guys,

the calendar mod is very great... but is it possible to add yearly events like birthdays to the calendar??

great work, you all done best!!! :D

Greetings, Flo
Jakim José
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Post by Jakim José »

Is this compatible to new version of phpwcms?
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Post by volkman »

@ jakim: I run it on 1.2.5 DEV

@cvjm: should work from the frontend, never had this prooblem. If the problem still exists, send me a link or pm.

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Post by Jakim José »

somebody send me a tutorial?
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Post by volkman »

@ jakim: you can download the mod with tutorial at
StudioZ is so kind to host it.

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Post by Jakim José »

how to make with the events appear on "main content part" and the calendar on "left content part"?

How to make to click on days and the events appear on "main content part"?
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Post by pico »

all answers are here in this Thread - why you didn't read?
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Jakim José
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Post by Jakim José »

pico wrote:Hi
all answers are here in this Thread - why you didn't read?

I have any dificult to understand english, but. Can anyone help?
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Post by Kosse »

Hi all,

I'm preparing a new version of the MOD in collaboration with frz.
More news to come in a couple of weeks.

Jakim José
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Post by Jakim José »

Kosse wrote:Hi all,

I'm preparing a new version of the MOD in collaboration with frz.
More news to come in a couple of weeks.

New version with links on calendar days?
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Post by Kosse »

Oi Jakim,

yes, links on days or full month + RT "view the main event".

only thing: it will not be mutlilingual (you'll have to change in php, if someone wants to isolate )
but as said, in a couple of weeks (end dec?)

Jakim José
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Post by Jakim José »

the recent/actual version has links on calendar days?

This question isn't to "pico"! It's so who want to answer.
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