File Management recommendation

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File Management recommendation

Post by Ben »

This isn't so much a feature request as it is my request to modify how the existing file manager handles the ownership of files. Basically, as you all probably realize, if a user uploads a file to the admin area of phpWCMS, then they are the only person who can edit or delete that file. The issue I see with this approach is that if a user is deleted from the system, there will be files stuck in the system with no owner, so they can't be moved, re-named or deleted.

Because of this, I typically have several admins from an organization use only one login, so they can all manage the same files. This approach works fine, but does not allow for users to make use of the internal messaging system, chat, etc.

My recommendation would be to add a third option for each file, which could be called "owned" or something like that. Then, you would set each file to be active, public and/or owned. If you own a file, then no one else can edit or delete it. If you don't own a file, others will be able to manage it as well. It would probably be best if the file manager defaulted to the public folder, as any files that are owned and not public would show up in the private folder only. It would also be best to have new files default to 'not owned'.

This approach still allows the same public / private settings for files but would also provide for a 'public file repository' where any user with admin priveleges can manage the files.

As a side note, it would also be great if entire folders could be moved, just as files can be moved from one folder to the next. Probably not a difficult thing to do, especially since folders are managed virtually in the database.

Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions regarding what I've stated?
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Post by pSouper »

Hi Ben,
you touch on a problem that has affected me in the past too.
my recomendation was far more simmple though.. when a user is deleted all the images, files, articles etc are transfered to another member (admin by default) this way a reletively simple query to ALTER the ownership of these things should be enough.

I imagin a SELECT list to display/select the new owner would be all the interface needed too.
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