NEW! core release and patch 2004-02-15 available

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Oliver Georgi
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Posts: 9892
Joined: Fri 3. Oct 2003, 22:22

NEW! core release and patch 2004-02-15 available

Post by Oliver Georgi »

[The patch is for updating your install from 2004-01-22.]

Before you install - make backup of files, configuration, css and database!!!

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PHPWCMS changelog release v1.1-RC2


* lot of fixes and enhancements
* new content type: article menu (current OR specific site level)
* new replacement tags:
  - [PHP]my_php_code;more_php_code[/PHP] you can include PHP code anywhere
  - {PHPVAR:$my_var} returns the value of $my_var - is used as global var
  - {BROWSE:UP:string}, {BROWSE:NEXT:string}, {BROWSE:PREV:string}
    is used to get links for browser through site structure/articles
* image list is optimized - better layout possibilities
* article title can be hidden
* more chars possible for article title
* formmailer problem solved when register_globals=On
* updated HTMLarea + FCKeditor 1.4

Download at[/url]

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон