{TEASER_EX} Replacement tag v1.90 - 10.1.2007

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by erich_k4 »

Please try the new version 1.0.2

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Post by tinoo »

did the update. link in statusline changed a little bit, but still don't working...
click on the link in the posting ahead and you'll see...

PS: don't forget to change the version-nr. in the source-code ;-)
Greetz, tinoo
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Post by tinoo »

And by the way: Thnx Erich for the effort....

One thing more - is it posible to skip the first article?

Following structure:
-and so on
--article with teaser tag
--articel containing album1
--articel containing album2
--articel containing album3
--and so on

In this case, article with Teaser-Tag shows itselfs in the listing as well, but i
want to show only the articles containig albums. At the moment - as i
understand - teaser_ex works best if the RT is placed in an other category.

But in my case skipping the first article containing the RT would be a
great alternative for the articel-listing supportet by phpwcms... And for
others too, i think...

Maybe there is a way with an additional value: 0 for not skipping the
first article in case the RT-Tag is not in the same category, or 1 for skipping
the 1st article.

What do you think?
Greetz, tinoo
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Post by creep »

pagenav working in index page if change

Code: Select all

$refurl = $REQUEST_URL[0];

Code: Select all

$refurl = ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $REQUEST_URL[0] : $REQUEST_URL[0]."?".$acat_alias;
oops: not stable(mod rewrite) :evil:
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Post by erich_k4 »

Following structure:
-and so on
--article with teaser tag
--articel containing album1
--articel containing album2
--articel containing album3
--and so on
Try this one:

in your "article with teaser tag" set "article title" visible to false, use the default template for article listing and no summary text.

In the sitestructure set "top article count" to -1 for the category "photos".

---> ver 1.03 available!

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Post by tinoo »

erich_k4 wrote:Try this one:

in your "article with teaser tag" set "article title" visible to false, use the default template for article listing and no summary text.

In the sitestructure set "top article count" to -1 for the category "photos".

Works great! But... the site has no main-title (=articletitle) now. Thats why i
thought to skip the article containing the teaser-tag. Or is there another way
to show a maintitle/categorytitle? thnx a lot

PS: The script works fantastic and exactly the same way i want as long as
the teaser-tag is in a different category than the content to show.... But i
would like to have them in the same category - because of the logic of the sitemap structure. it doesn't make sense to put the teaser-articlelisting in
a different category then the pictures... Hope you understand...
Greetz, tinoo
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Post by erich_k4 »

But i
would like to have them in the same category - because of the logic of the sitemap structure.
---> ver 1.04 available!

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Post by tinoo »

You are a genius, you know that?

This man created what i (and for sure a lot of others) missed so far in phpwcms: An easy way to create an articlelisting for thousands of articles, nice grouped with navigation to scroll thru the articles. Perfect.

What will version 2 be? ;-)

Thnx a lot. I will implement this feature a.s.a.p. and let you know, if other
problems occur...

PS: to Oliver G.(if you are reading this). This RT would be a perfect
replacement for the phpwcms-offered articlelisting...
Greetz, tinoo
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Post by tinoo »

Hi Erich

i was playing aroung with teaser_ex. found something new:

If i have this categories:


and {TEASER_EX} is located in cat1, configured to show articles of cat31,
no article shows up... RT is working perfeclty with cat2...

RT is working perfectly with cat31 too... now :-)
Greetz, tinoo
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Re: {TEASER_EX} Replacement tag

Post by creep »

erich_k4 wrote: count Number of articles to show from this category, -1 for all articles
Sorry, but count not worked -- showing all articles from category:(

and pagenav work if

Code: Select all

              $refurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$catalias;
              $refurl = $catalias;

Code: Select all

              $refurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$catalias;
              $refurl = "/?".$catalias;
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Post by erich_k4 »

Hello creep!

...count does indeed not work when you have only one category to retrieve the data from. Update will be available soon...

The pagenav problem seems to be very specific because its works on my demosite with rewrite on and off, tinoo's site seems to work perfectly too.

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Post by tinoo »

erich_k4 wrote: The pagenav problem seems to be very specific because its works on my demosite with rewrite on and off, tinoo's site seems to work perfectly too.
Yes.... I use {teaser_ex} twice: one time on the index-page for the "sitenews" and on "bilder-alben" for a article-listing... have a look under

All i want to do is to style the nav somehow else...
Greetz, tinoo
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Post by erich_k4 »

All i want to do is to style the nav somehow else...
Style the nav with CSS?

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Post by tinoo »

erich_k4 wrote: Style the nav with CSS?
Good idea! But your script doesn't create a <div> or <span> around the
code... Or just a <p class="teaser_ex_nav"> would be great... ;-)

btw: i'm talkin about the pagenav of {teaser_ex}...
Greetz, tinoo
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Strange problem

Post by Marko »


I'm using version 1.1 RC 4. Teaser is defined to search articles from four different categories, which it does fine. My problem is that what ever I put in sort field (creation date, begin date, asc or desc) I always see the same articles, even though there is much newer articles in my categories.

Only thing the sorting does is that it sorts those four same articles around in the table columns. Also there isn't any logic on which articles the teaser shows (Although they never change), because they aren't the oldest or the latest news in that particular category.

All categories are set to sort articles in creation date order in admin menu.
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