Uploaded Images Won't Display in FileBrowser

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Uploaded Images Won't Display in FileBrowser

Post by ifrit »

Uploading through the FTP Upload interface is working for very small (180 bytes) gif or jpg images. Anything too much larger will -show- as present under "file center", but will not show when using the image browser to add to an article/document.

Running PHP 4.3.1 and MySQL 4.1.12 on a Mac running O.S. 10.4.1 (Tiger). Otherwise, phpwcms was a very straight forward install and running well. I've also set the config file to use ImageMagick which is installed.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Post by Kosse »

Hi ifrit,

Try to change GD to GD 1 or GD 2 or Imagemagick in conf.template
Otherwise, maybe a cache problem.
See also:

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I've got the exact same problem

Post by rotte2 »


I've got the exact same problem. However, I've noticed, that when I'm in the File Manager, and I try to create a thumbnail (edit the image), it 'hangs' when trying to create the thumbnail.

I then tried to manually execute the command that phpwcms execute in the on the that is executed in the /include/inc_lib/imagick.convert.inc.php and that seems to work. Is this a Safe Mode issue not letting phpwcms execute shell commands? :(
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Have tried GD, GD2 and ImageMagick Settings

Post by ifrit »

Tried every kind of combination I can when it comes to the GD and ImageMagick settings in the conf file. This seems to be a new problem with the latest releases.

I'm stubborn and will keep chipping away at it, hopefully finding a solution.

Thanks for the input!

Post by Pappnase »


don't think that an bug in the latest release! cos i don't have such trouble!

can you send me an login to the page!? and maybe with an ftp access!?
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Solved It!

Post by ifrit »

Thanks again for the responses-- was preparing to send a login for ftp into my site, but got to thinking that maybe it was a communications issue between php and gd (gd2)-- I had installed gd2 and darwinports since my original post. Figured I'd give one more shot solo at solving the issue.

Although I had installed a downloaded PHP 4.3 version specifically for Mac OS X (Tiger) a few weeks back, I went ahead and completely removed php, including all subfolders, rather than an install over the existing installation. Re-installed and tested-- this version of php has gd2 set as an active element by default.

Tested and it's now working beautifully. I can upload files, see the thumbnails and browse and add to articles.

Thanks again all-- posting this detailed response in case anyone else has a similar problem.

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