[solved] Swisscom ADSL Checker

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Location: Zürich / Switzerland

[solved] Swisscom ADSL Checker

Post by ssyfrig »


Here in Switzerland will Swisscom provide all ADSL Connections. There are a lot of Swisscom Wholesale Providers.

I should create a ASDL Checker form for such a provider.

Over this link you can check if a Telephone Link is ready for ADSL.

http://www.swisscom.com/ws/e-tools/adsl ... estedBC=06

TN is the phone number = example 0444627060

The Response is XML formatted.

I create this form

Code: Select all

<form name="form1" method="get" action="http://www.swisscom.com/ws/e-tools/adsl/LineCheck?">
   <input name="tn" type="text" class="style1" id="tn">
	<input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="06" checked> ISDN<br>
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="01"> ANALOG<br>
   <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
   <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="de">
   <input name="Product" type="hidden" id="Product" value="bbcs">
Now, I need the response in the phpwcms front-end HMTL formatted. At the same site as the form is.

Can anybody help me please?

All the best form Switzerland


Last edited by ssyfrig on Wed 1. Jun 2005, 16:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Neelix »

I can help:
I've adapt an example from http://de2.php.net/manual/de/ref.xml.php
and think it's suitable.

You need an php-modul (xml-support), what you can check with phpinfo()
(im my case:
XML Support active
XML Namespace Support active
EXPAT Version expat_1.95.5
and in the system built-in the expat-library (look url on top)

Code: Select all

/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * @file			adsl_ch.class.php
 * @class		ClADSLCheck adsl_ch.class.php
 * @desc			Swisscom Switzerland ADSL Checker\n
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * PHP4Class:	ClADSLCheck\n
 * 				- liefert die Details zur ADSL Moeglichkeit eines Anschlusses\n
 *						im Gebiet von Swisscom Switzerland
 *					- gently translated in a class
 *					- should be placed in the {p}-frontend_init-Folder:
 *						phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init/
 *					- with example call in the tail-end
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * @version		0.2 $Rev. 2005-05-31 $
 * @author		Neelix <http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=1672>
 * @package		phpwcms
 * @subpackage	adsl_ch
 * @licence		GPL(2)
 * @see			Forum 4 Details [http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6995]
 * @see			xml background http://de2.php.net && [andrewcare at execulink dot com] http://de2.php.net/manual/de/ref.xml.php
 * @see			http://de3.php.net/manual/de/function.xml-set-object.php
 * @TODO			waiting4wishes++
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class ClADSLCheck
   var $depth;
	var $offset;
	var $elements;
	var $stack;
	var $count;
	var $depth;
	var $cons;
	var $summary;
	var $xml_parser;

	 * Konstruktor
	 * Init the Members + call the parser
    * @param String $file URI will return the XML-File <SL_CHECK_RESULT>...</SL_CHECK_RESULT>
	 *  - example from ssyfrig: http://www.swisscom.com/ws/e-tools/adsl/LineCheck?tn=0444627060&lang=de&Product=bbcs&RequestedBC=06
	function ClADSLCheck($file)
		$this->count = 0;
		$this->depth = 0;

		$this->offset = 0;		
		$this->cons = array();
		$this->summary	= 0;

		$this->elements = array();
		$this->stack = array();
		$this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
		xml_set_object($this->xml_parser, $this); //see http://de3.php.net/manual/de/function.xml-set-object.php
		xml_parser_set_option($this->xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); //case sEnSiTiVe please!

		xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_parser, '_start_handler', '_end_handler');
		xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_parser, "_data_handler");

		if(!($handle = @fopen($file, "r")))
		   die('ADSLCheck Error: XMLParser cannot open "'.$file.'"');

		while($contents = @fread($handle, 4096))
   		xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $contents, feof($handle));



	} //end-fnc
	 * CallBack 4 Parser: StartTag
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $name			elementname
    * @param Array  $attribs		all propertys
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/manual/de/function.xml-set-object.php
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/xml_set_element_handler
	function _start_handler($parser, $name, $attribs)
	   $this->elements[$this->count] = array();
      $this->elements[$this->count]['name'] = $name;
   	while(list($key, $value) = each($attribs))
         $this->elements[$this->count]['attributes'][$key] = $value;
	   $this->elements[$this->count]['depth'] = $this->depth;
	   array_push($this->stack, $this->count);


	 * CallBack 4 Parser: EndTag
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $name			elementname
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/manual/de/function.xml-set-object.php
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/xml_set_element_handler
	function _end_handler($parser, $name)

	 * CallBack 4 Parser: Data
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $data			elementdatas
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/manual/de/function.xml-set-object.php
	 * @see http://de2.php.net/xml_set_element_handler
	function _data_handler($parser, $data)
	   $this->elements[$this->stack[count($this->stack)-1]]['data'] .= trim($data);		

	 * Working through the xml-tree
	 * - if we can find the OK-Message -> collect all infos in the internal buffer
	 * - killed all output from andrewcare - only the info messages will be saved
	 * @access public
    * @return Boolean will be true, if the telnumber is ready
	function worker()

		while( list($key_a) = each($this->elements))
	   	$this->offset = 0;
	   	if ( $this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] < $this->depth )
			    while($this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] != (($this->elements[$key_a - $this->offset]['depth']) - 1)  || $this->offset == 0)
		   if	($this->elements[$key_a]['depth']==$this->depth && ($this->depth != 0) )
		       while($this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] != $this->elements[$key_a - $this->offset]['depth']  || $this->offset == 0)

		   if (!empty($this->elements[$key_a]['attributes']))
      		 while(list($key_b, $value) = each($this->elements[$key_a]['attributes']))

	 				if ($key_b=='Code' && $value=='OK')	 // <MESSAGE Code="OK">

			//collect the details
		   if (trim($this->elements[$key_a]['data']) != '' && $this->summary==1)

		return $this->summary; //it's integer but using as boolean


}; //End-CLASS

/* <------------------------------[cut here]----------------------------------------> */

 * --<Example call: copy this in your formular or content and try>---------------------------------------------------
 * @file			adsl_ch.example.php

//the file adsl_ch.class.php should be placed here!
//delete the "//" after testing in the next line 

if (isset($_GET['Submit']))

	echo 'Ergebnis:<br><hr>';
	//OK-Example: tn=0444627060
  $myADSL= new ClADSLCheck('http://www.swisscom.com/ws/e-tools/adsl/LineCheck?tn='.$_GET['tn'].'&lang=de&Product=bbcs&RequestedBC='.$_GET['requestedbc']);

	if ($myADSL->worker())
		//status quo 2005-05-26:
		//1st Line ($i==0) is the OK Message: "Der Telefonanschluss ist für ADSL geeignet. Folgende Datenübertragungsraten sind möglich:"
		//then the details...
		for ($i=0;$i<count($myADSL->cons);$i++)
			echo $myADSL->cons[$i].'<br>';
		 echo 'Es handelt sich um einen Telefonanschluss der für ADSL leider nicht geeignet ist<br>';
	echo '<hr>';

<form name="form1" method="get" action="adsl_ch.example.php">
	The default is an example for an valid value!<br>
   <input name="tn" type="text" class="style1" id="tn" value="<?php echo (isset($_GET['tn'])?$_GET['tn']:'0444627060'); ?>">
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="06" <?php echo (!isset($_GET['requestedbc']) || $_GET['requestedbc']!='01'?'checked':''); ?>> ISDN<br>
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="01" <?php echo (isset($_GET['requestedbc']) && $_GET['requestedbc']=='01'?'checked':''); ?>> ANALOG<br>
   <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
 	{Nx} It's now static in code connected!
   <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="de">
   <input name="Product" type="hidden" id="Product" value="bbcs">

Erfahrung ist das, was man besitzt, kurz nach dem es gebraucht wurde.
Warning: I have no foggiest idea of English/German, but I do
-ha{p}{p}y day/night/dia/noche-
Posts: 364
Joined: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 17:01
Location: Zürich / Switzerland

Post by ssyfrig »

Hi Neelix

Thank you very much. great Job. It works perfect. :D :D

All the best from Switzerland

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