phpWCMS PRE 1.2.3-DEV zum downloaden !

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phpWCMS PRE 1.2.3-DEV zum downloaden !

Post by nepo »

Hallo phpWCMS-Freunde,

eine neue Release PRE 1.2.3-DEV (stable) steht zur Verfügung. :D :o

Bitte beachtet das diese Version eine NICHT offizielle PRE-DEV RELEASE ist!!!

Kein Support! :!:

Hier einige Features:

1. ... template default auf basis <p>, <h1..> etc.
2. ... erweitertes {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} - Sublevel können gesondert gestaltet werden

Hier geht´s zum Link: ... _id=329477

Viel Spass beim Ausprobieren!

Liebe Grüße
nepo :wink:
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Post by spirelli »

Two questions:

# How stable is the new stuff?

# How is the state of the forum?
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Post by Findus »

Oliver worte this on Sourceforge RSS

Code: Select all

phpwcms - ChangeLog

2005-05-23  1.2.3-DEV     It is stable!!!

    * many changes - all will follow later - main:
    * I started to change template defaults to standard
      HTML tags like <p>, <h1...h6> and so on
    * space above/bottom are now realized by <div style="height:..>
    * lot of smaller fixes - not really bugs
    * downloads are now counted - different counts for started
      and finished downloads - no display in backend at the moment
    * {NAV_TABLE_COLUMNS} can get different template settings
      for each sublevel, activate nodes from root down to
      active sublevel
    * and many many more

2005-05-01  1.2.2-DEV
    * old values in removed
  	* optimized default values in
	  * most content rendering now by using <p> and <h1> for better
	    formatting using CSS
	  * space before and after content parts now realised by using
	    <div></div> and related margin values
	  * {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} enhanced for usage of different styles
	    based on level depth - different background colors and classes
	    and images can be used
  	* multiple bug fixes and smaller enhancements

2005-02-13  1.2-DEV
    * most notice messages about undefined vars do not occure anymore
      many checks for isset/empty vars are implemented
    * HTTP referer value replaced by a session var that works the same
      now local firewalls or proxy servers shouldn't be problematic anymore
    * login and login check procedure are compatible for MySQL 4.1 too
    * sorting of article content is fixed - happened in combination with
      listing of custom blocks
    * better GD image resizing implemented combined with fixes for
      resizing of GIF images - if supported by GD transparency of GIF
      images is restored after resize
    * file upload problem solved
    * new global value implemented which can be used to check against
      current level and retrieve all IDs of activated nav tree (try):
      <?='<pre>'.var_export($GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'],true).'</pre>' ?>
    * images used in article summary, text with image, imagelist, image
      rollover and ecard can get custom ALT text and url link like:
    * it's possible again to use the same image multiple times for
      image list again
    * RSS feed creation fixed
    * external content function fixed - another remote content check
      was implemented
    * better setup routine - optimized upgrade process - but will be
      fixed much more in the future
    * new content part 'email contact form': a very flexible and
      powerful visual form generator - do not use old formmailer anymore
    * all content parts are prepared for future modularisation
    * HTML area toolbar enhanced by new line for setting heading and...
    * small security fix for FCKeditor
    * preview of non-public articles and categories in frontend possible now
      you will see little notice in frontend (will be enhanced) - such pages
      are not visible for normal frontend users
    * usage of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] shouldn't be neccessary anymore
      I have implemented an automatic function to retrieve current root path
      this might be problematic in some cases when used in /~user structure
    * retrieving alias name reset to old-style processing
    * caching should work as expected now - no caching when $_POST isset
    * new replacement tag {NAV_LIST} - same functionality as {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN}
      but returns nested <ul><li></li></ul>
    * some new sample scripts in frontend init/render (rename *.php_ -> *.php)
And the file size of 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 are about 780Kbyte different?

Post by jscholtysik »

The 1.2.3 is already installed and runs very well... :-)

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Post by cyrano »

yes it does ;-)
Gruß/ regards cyrano
templates ->
planepix ->

Post by brans »

any news about the user / group management?

Post by jscholtysik »

Hi brans,

yes. You can now select what the user can do: Frontend, Backend or Frontend/Backend. Besides this I couldn't find anything new in the user management. Also there is no new content part.

The backend menu contains an entry "User and Groups" that is also still empty.

Posts: 26
Joined: Wed 20. Oct 2004, 12:56

Post by bodegabar »

sorry, a question from a newbie.

i have installed vers. 1.2.1 dev.
how to update to the new version 1.2.3 ?


Post by jscholtysik »

Hi bodegabar,

do you already have data or do you still have a virgin CMS without data?

Posts: 26
Joined: Wed 20. Oct 2004, 12:56

Post by bodegabar »

with data !

Post by jscholtysik »

Posts: 26
Joined: Wed 20. Oct 2004, 12:56

Post by bodegabar »

thank you for this very fast and useful posting.

greetins from

bo !
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Location: Passau, Bavaria, Germany

Post by SNap »

where is GT Mod gone?
'welcome to the real world!' datensysteme-lenk

Post by jscholtysik »

Hi SNap,

it's still there in 1.2.3 ... :wink:

Posts: 314
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Location: Passau, Bavaria, Germany

Post by SNap »

it states that it's moved to admin, but it's not there...
'welcome to the real world!' datensysteme-lenk
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