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Post by brans »

@ isac: haven't you noticed any problems after turning this off ?
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Post by azterizk »

So, the problem is not a phpWCMS one, but one due to the setup of your PHP installation. As the php_flag variable suggests. If you are hosted you are kind of at their mercy. I haven't seen this to cause a LOT of problems and it appears that it only does it the first time a person hits your site. All links after that initial one are missing this hashID session variable.
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Post by isac »

This is working for me and didn't found any problems at all. The problem here has nothing to do with phpwcms it's a server side configuration problem. I need it to fix some how. Diferent servers may require another way to deal whith it.

This is what i have in my php.ini after permission request :wink:

Code: Select all

LimitRequestBody 0
php_value upload_max_filesize 6M
php_value post_max_size 6M
php_flag session.use_only_cookies On
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
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Post by vio »

isac wrote:This is working for me and didn't found any problems at all. The problem here has nothing to do with phpwcms it's a server side configuration problem. I need it to fix some how. Diferent servers may require another way to deal whith it.

This is what i have in my php.ini after permission request :wink:

Code: Select all

LimitRequestBody 0
php_value upload_max_filesize 6M
php_value post_max_size 6M
php_flag session.use_only_cookies On
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
i think it take a prob if u turn off cookie or block it
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Post by isac »

Can someone tell me whay this is soo bad?

Post by brans »

yes this definetely is a bad thing but OG said that you couldn't do anything against is when using mod_rewrite. The only way to deal with it, would be to do the following:

Turn off mod_rewrite by phpwcms. Alias your categories as follows:


and then create a corresponding .htaccess file.
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Re: phpsessionid

Post by isac »

Jaguar wrote:Hey all i found some useful info for this problem,

ini_set( 'arg_separator.output' , '&' );
ini_set( 'url_rewriter.tags' , 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,fieldset=' );

the first part will make the automatic URL rewriting for sessions use the HTML entity & rather than the default &, which is invalid XHTML. the next line will add the hidden form input (which is valid XHTML) inside a <fieldset> rather than the default, immediately after the <form> tag, which is invalid XHTML. if you don't already have them, you need to put <fieldset> tags inside all <form> tags to get forms to work with PHP sessions. this will change the appearance of your forms, but you can change it back with some CSS styling.
Found it here:

I placed it inside my frontend_init folder, w3c validator validated the page after the change.
YES!! :mrgreen:
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Post by StudioZ »

Hey! Cool ;-)
Adding these two lines to my .htaccesss file, done the trick :D
isac wrote:This is working for me and didn't found any problems at all.

Code: Select all

php_flag session.use_only_cookies On
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off

Thanks for sharing :wink: 8)

PhpWCMS Evangelist, -- iRoutier.com Running phpWCMS 1.4.2, r354 -> Great Version!!!!
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