Calendar Installation: NOTHING WORKS ANYMORE

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Calendar Installation: NOTHING WORKS ANYMORE

Post by rookiestripes »

Hey folks,

after fiddling around with basic features and after I got the scoop on how certain other features works, I decided to implement the calendar hack from ironrock on my site.

The first version kinda worked til it came to the point where the database tables needed to be installed. That did not work at all.

So I went about installing the updated version 2. Installing this one was easier than the first, I guess they kinda changed the installation documentation a little bit. However, when I now try to log in my cms system, I do get the File Not Found message:

The requested URL /dbdown.php was not found on this server.

Since the calendar installation made use of changing some basic files such as the phpwcms.php or the, I thought I could bring everything back to normal by just taking the old files and uploading them to my server. But guess what, nothing happens. I am at my wit`s end and I am wondering how I can get this fixed.


Post by Pappnase »


sorry but this is a hack! so moved it into the right section ;-)
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