Wo finde ich denn den Hack ImageAlttext 1.1 ?
Irgendwie geht der Link bei Trip nur zum DownloadCounter....
ImageAlttext 1.1 für RC4
ImageAlttext 1.1 für RC4
Wer mich liebt der lacht. Wenn man mich sieht, lachen alle.
Yes...ad" target="_blank">http://emediafabrik.de/index.php?de_pro ... ext_downlo ad
is not...
is not...
Wer mich liebt der lacht. Wenn man mich sieht, lachen alle.
- marcus@localhorst
- Posts: 815
- Joined: Fri 28. May 2004, 11:31
- Location: localhorst
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put this in yr frontend_render folder:
Code: Select all
titel: {IMG} Replacement-Tag
description: {IMG:path:alt-text:style}
show an image from the picture dir and down with alt text
and styledefinitions
example: {IMG:image.jpg:this is image with alt text:vertical-align:text-bottom;}
author: Marcus Obst
last modified: 21-03-2005 created
function alttextimg($pic='',$alt='',$style='') {
$image_with_alt = '';
$pic = preg_replace('/\{IMG:(.*?):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', '"$1"', $pic);
$alt = preg_replace('/\{IMG:(.*?):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', '"$2"', $alt);
if ($style != "") $style = preg_replace('/\{IMG:(.*?):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', '"$3"', $style);
$image_with_alt .= "<img src=\"picture/$pic\" alt=\"$alt\" border=\"0\"";
if ($style != "") $image_with_alt .= "style=\"$style\"";
$image_with_alt .= " />";
return $image_with_alt;
if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{IMG')===false ) ) {
$content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{IMG:(.*?):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e','alttextimg("$1","$2","$3");',$content["all"]);
- marcus@localhorst
- Posts: 815
- Joined: Fri 28. May 2004, 11:31
- Location: localhorst
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