Will Microsoft kill html with future developments on IE?

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Will Microsoft kill html with future developments on IE?

Post by jeroen »

Hi everyone,
I've read some disturbing news in CHIP a professional web design magazine.
The article says that MS is developing a new IE that will have some radical changes. In future VisualBasic.Net or C# will be the standard and these applications will be also usable without the web. Will this be the end of html? The article writes about .Net that will be the standard for the web in future. So html , php and asp will be obsolete in future? Well in conclusion the article speaks about the fact that web application developers should really invest in their knowledge of .Net.
This is a disturbing message in my opinion now that phpwcms and other great applications are working so wonderful.
If you have more info about this, please share it!

Best regards, Jeroen

Post by brans »

hmm as CHIP is not a real professional web designer magazine they often tell some stories that COULD be true but they don't necessarily have to. Those of you who read P.M. sometimes know what I talk about:

There are some things you have to believe in and there are others you shouldn't....

it is definetely not possible to change standards of billions of websites just in one day. If MS wants to implement new webstandards, they'll have to let it last some years, in which we all could switch over to the new standards.

I really think that we shouldn't take this too seriously for the next 5 years.
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Post by isac »

Yesterday it was 1 april - does this remember anything

In my country even in tv people tell lies. (day of the lies)
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Post by pico »

April - April :D :D
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Post by frold »

isac wrote:Yesterday it was 1 april - does this remember anything

In my country even in tv people tell lies. (day of the lies)
I guess it is a worldwide thing ;-)
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Post by brans »

oh my good I got fuck*ng punked :-)
I really didn't think about the date.. *shame on me*

really this was a good one, even if I didn't seriously believe in the technique to be applied.... ;-)
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Post by jeroen »

Sorry guys, this was no first of April joke. I must admit that it would have been a good one if I tried to be funny. I really read this in an article in the CHIP. So to be really short about it: They say future browsers will be based on .NET instead of html. They advice every designer to have a look ath the future because microsoft wants to change it (again). Other browsers will follow when microsoft changes standards. What better place to start changing then the browser itself!
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Who cares ?

Post by cyber-james »

Who cares?

I think, we people made standarts, not microsoft. It has a lot of other browsers like firefox, mozilla, a.o. working fine and has no dot net on board. Don't need dot net for anithing, it has no chance.


Wen störts?

Ich denke, wir, die Leute auf diesem Planeten machen die Standarts und nicht Microsoft. Es gibt genug andere Browser wie zB. Firefox u.a., die gut arbeiten und kein dot net benötigen. Wenn Du kein dot net brauchst, dann benutz es einfach nicht, so wird es nie zum Standart. Ich wünschte mir mehr Leute, die nicht jeden Quatsch aus Redmond für wichtig und unumgänglich halten würden.

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Post by Fulvio Romanin »

i got a huge dejà vu of all that, including the names of the ppl in it.
Am i tired and stressed, or this one just came out last year too? ;)
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