I try Polo-Regular font, but rendered img have some problem...
The GT mod rendered img
and Photoshop out:
Why? ("g" spell, and "őű")
I use ISO-8859-2 caracter encoding in html pages.
Thx, Paul
GT font render problem
I think the problem is that photoshop render type at 72dpi and gd/php at 96dpi or vice-versa(?) to workaround this problem increase margin in file gt.func.inc.php at lines
please correct me if i'm wrong
Code: Select all
//$im = imagecreate ($font_width + 5, $font_height + 5);
$im = imagecreate ($font_width+2, $font_height);
Correct!isac wrote:I think the problem is that photoshop render type at 72dpi and gd/php at 96dpi or vice-versa(?) to workaround this problem increase margin in file gt.func.inc.php at lines
please correct me if i'm wrongCode: Select all
//$im = imagecreate ($font_width + 5, $font_height + 5); $im = imagecreate ($font_width+2, $font_height);
Code: Select all
//$im = imagecreate ($font_width + 5, $font_height + 5);
$im = imagecreate ($font_width+2, $font_height+5);
Thx, Paul
But the charset error still exist:
in iso-8859-1 charset:
in iso-8859-2 charcet (Central European):
Code: Select all
like ~ not "
Thx, Paul
and sorry my bad english...