still waiting for the new release...

Discuss phpwcms here, please do not post support requests, bug reports, or feature requests! Non-phpwcms questions, discussion goes in General Chat!

Post by Pappnase »

Gnolen wrote:The whole thread(9 pages) totally in english and then you guys switch to german!?!? :twisted: :twisted:

Känns lite tråkigt faktiskt! För jag förstår tyvärr väldigt lite tyska! :(
hello gnolen

sorry i was getting so angry that i couldn't found the right words in english maybe somebody translaate what we wrote!

Olaf Finkbeiner
Posts: 34
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Post by Olaf Finkbeiner »

hello gnolen,
there is no point in translating the discussion. There are a few people who are very disabpointed in the changes in "promissed" (i would call them possible and hoped for) release dates. One of them promissed his costumers that some new functions would work soon and now he claims that his customers would blame him for not delivering the work. The problem is however that i would not have made the promise to my customer in the first place as this would be very unprofesional.
We are telling our customers that we are using an open source software. This way we can be very competitive and cheap! But they will have to live with the way the development of such a project goes on. So we make the promisse that we will install new versions as soon as they are available but thats it and we tell themits an open soiurce project made by one person. If they need special functions they can get them from us but not at a price of a few euros. As we would hire outside programmers or use commercial software in this case. If someone business model is based on using phpwcms and they cant code themself its their problem! Not OGs!
Anyway i hope that people like this are not putting OG of doing this project as it is just a beauty to work with and again its FREEEEEEEEEEE!

Ah yeah big up to Pappnase for doing the job of doing the Doku (also for FREEEEE!) this is helping my customers to use phpwcms! I have started a doku too and now i do not need to do this anymore i am very greatfull for this to Pappnase!

So this is not exacly a translation of the posts before but i think it is enough english so Gnolen has something to read and knows what the whole thing is about...

good night
Olaf Finkbeiner
Posts: 100
Joined: Mon 28. Jun 2004, 23:43

Post by cyber-james »

International Translation:

1. %brrr & :( ** uuh! :!: :!: :evil: ? !!! :evil: :evil: :idea: :cry: ...
2. :shock: : ... :evil: :x :x :? !!!! :!: :!: uaaah.
3. ...
... 516. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: urgh!! :!: :!:

my international Tip: 8) ... then ...

:arrow: soon: Image V2 :!: :!:

... 1256: :D :D !! :D :o :D :D :) :lol: :lol: !! :D :D :o :) !!
(all are very happy)

... end of tread. :wink:
Last edited by cyber-james on Sun 9. Jan 2005, 22:12, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Pappnase »

cyber-james wrote:International Translation:

1. %brrr & :( ** uuh! :!: :!: :evil: ? !!! :evil: :evil: :idea: :cry: ...
2. :shock: : ... :evil: :x :x :? !!!! :!: :!: uaaah.
3. ...
... 516. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: urgh!! :!: :!:

my international Tip: 8) ... then ...

:arrow: soon: Image V2 :!: :!:

... 1256: :D :D !! :D :o :D :D :) :lol: :lol: !! :D :D :o :) !!
(all very happy)
end of tread.


thats was the best!!!! *rofl*
Posts: 158
Joined: Thu 11. Mar 2004, 11:34

Post by Gnolen »

Thanks Olaf! Totally agree with you! I would also never make a promise if I wasn't sure of something, totally wrong(may I say stupid) to blame others than himself.

cyber-james - LOL - I think you made a spelling error. Should be :idea: instead of :!: in one sentence...No worries, I understood it anyway. :wink:

Still hoping though...
Posts: 87
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Location: Düsseldorf

Post by Hero »

What I'm really sad about (perhaps mad of- I don't know) is that Oliver hasn't given an offical statement, yet.
OK he couldn't make it (again), but at least he should say why.
I know we don't pay anything and should be happy about the gift he has given to us, but by breaking promisses he makes a lot of people very angry. And I think that's the point what is all about: He didn't do what he has announced.

Oliver, thanks again for your great effort and wonderful script, but please do never ever again miss a deadline you set!!!
If you cannot get the job done, just say you don't have the time. I'm sure quite EVERYBODY will understand that, but with this constant disappointings a lot of people won't stay with phpwcms - and buddy I do understand that!
Posts: 158
Joined: Thu 11. Mar 2004, 11:34

Post by Gnolen »

I am a forever optimist and just want to make it clear that the week is not over yet!!! So far he didn't break any promisses!

Post by jscholtysik »

Hi zusammen,

nun kriegt Euch mal nicht so in die Haare. Überlegt doch mal, Oliver schreibt ganz allein an diesem tollen CMS. Vielleicht sollten wir uns lieber überlegen, wie wir schnellere Releases ermöglichen könnten. Das kann durch mehrere Möglichkeiten erfolgen:

1. Durch Geldspenden an Oliver, damit er eventuelle berufliche Ausfallzeiten kompensieren könnte. Ich denke, eine 10-20 Euro Spende würde niemanden arm machen...
2. Durch eine aktivere Community, die auch entsprechende Erweiterungen programmieren könnte. Hierzu müsste Oliver definieren, wie eine Erweiterung codetechnisch auszusehen hat, damit sie nahtlos in PHPWCMS eingeklinkt werden kann.
3. Durch zusätzliche Programmierer (wenn Oliver dies zulässt). Dies versuchte ja anscheinend schon Jerome Gamez, habe leider keine Ahnung, warum dieser Versuch wieder verworfen wurde...
4. Durch Mithilfe bei der Verfassung von Dokumentationen durch Dritte und/oder Vorabtests, bevor die Betaphase beginnt. Es würde ja auch schon etwas bringen, wenn jemand Übersetzungen machen oder Probe lesen könnte.

Nur so können eventuelle Release-Dates eingehalten werden.

Ich finde, die Typo3-Community ist auch gerade in diesem Aufbruch:
- Teams bilden, die bestimmte Gebiete übernehmen und auch verantworten
- Sponsoren suchen oder vermitteln
- Zentrale Speicherorte für Erweiterungen schaffen
- Einheitliche Dokus schaffen (Aussehen, Mehrsprachigkeit usw. usw.)
- Newsgroups zur Problemlösung einrichten

Leider ist das offizielle Typo3-Buch absolut nichts für Anfänger, ich war jedenfalls total enttäuscht und werde es auch wieder verkaufen. Auch finde ich, daß die Erweiterungen für Typo3 langsam aber sicher das ganze System unübersichtlich machen. Genauso die Doku: Manche Fragen bleiben einfach immer offen und ich habe nicht die Zeit, mich durch tausende von Dokus durchzuarbeiten, man will ja auch schließlich irgendwann mal Geld verdienen. Auch hatte ich es satt, daß die Erweiterungen ständig nicht funktionierten..., darum der Wechsel zu PHPWCMS. Und ich bin sehr glücklich damit!

PHPWCMS kann in Sachen Bedienerfreundlichkeit und Erweiterungen Typo3 locker den Schneid abkaufen, es ist vieles wesentlich einfacher programmiert worden, da weiss Oliver schon was er macht. Gebt ihm einfach die Zeit, die er braucht, dann sind wir alle glücklich, wenn jeder ein stabiles CMS vor sich hat.

Denkt mal darüber nach, was wir als Community alles auf die Beine stellen könnten!!

Ich wünsche Euch trotzdem eine gute Nacht und freuen wir uns auf eine stabile PHPWCMS 2.0 !!

Sorry for not translating this message into english. It's too late tonight!

Olaf Finkbeiner
Posts: 34
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Location: Frankfurt am Main

Post by Olaf Finkbeiner »

check out sourceforge! :lol:
Olaf Finkbeiner
Posts: 158
Joined: Thu 11. Mar 2004, 11:34

Post by Gnolen »

!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Posts: 2151
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Post by frold »

what are you crying for guys? Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark

Post by marco »

Ahh, all this whining!
Posts: 74
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Location: Duesseldorf. Germany

Post by shocktone »

Hi guys,

sorry. But what is this developer branch all about ? Is this a stable version ?
I don't understand what this means in German.

Greetings Jens.
Posts: 155
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Post by mdgroot »

Hi, perhaps someone can tell me what the new features are in the DEV release ? I can't find any ....
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