File Upload chmods files to 644 chmod can this be changed?

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Posts: 9
Joined: Wed 29. Dec 2004, 17:55

File Upload chmods files to 644 chmod can this be changed?

Post by artmyth »

Hi, first post here, so I want to start with a compliment on phpwcms, an amazing program installed it yesterday and have a draft site ready to show a client today. wow this program is hot.

I have one problem and that is with the behavioour of the file uploads in the file center.

images, jpg and pdf docs get chmoded to 644 which seems to break the ability to upload more files, and renders them unreadable by phpwcms to genrate enlarged images.

is there a parameter in phpwcms that i can change to maintian a 755 chmod? or should I be looking at my server config? and if its my server can anyone point me to where i should look.

last night I was able to upload one image and insert it in an article. but then it prevents me to upload more stating there is a server error and to contact my webhost as soon as possible.

Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004
linux, 2.4.20-8smp
apache 1.3.33 (Unix)
php 4.3.9
MySQL 4.0.22-standard
GD image functions,

thanks in advance.

Post by Pappnase »


hmm never seen such an problem!
all files at the docu page are chmod to 644.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed 29. Dec 2004, 17:55

Post by artmyth »

thanks for the fast reply.

so it is normal for files to be chmoded automatically by phpwcms to 644? and therefore my problem is something else i guess.
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