Default CSS - basic information

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Default CSS - basic information

Post by Lumimies »


I have tried to find a basic documentation about the default CSS file that comes with PHPWCMS installation. It would be nice to find a "handbook" about the classes and selectors used and an explanation of the whole css file.. "What happens and where if i touch this and that..."

Hmmm.. Sorry my poor english but i hope You understood what i mean!

If anyone have this kind of information please let me know!


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Post by spirelli »

Well, phpwcms.css determines the look of the backend (the administration panel) as far as i can see. If you don't know the gerneral concept of CSS you should read up about it on the internet.

Basically, the CSS is a list of 'selectors'. Behind a selector the values that determin how an element will look like are specified. For example:

Code: Select all

.navtext { color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px }
The selector is called 'navtext' which in our case determins the appearance of the navigation text. The naming of the selector has been done by the author and could have been anything else. But calling it 'navtext' makes sence as it relates to which element on the page it applies to. Often the name of a selector in the CSS file can hint at what element on the page is effected.

You will find the selectors of the phpwcms.css file also in the phpwcms.php file (which is the backend), where the selectors identify the elements to which a style applies. Example:

Code: Select all

<td width="175" bgcolor="#CD0000" class="navtext"><a href="" target="_blank">Release <?php echo htmlspecialchars($phpwcms['version']); ?></a></td>
As you can see the selector 'navtext' appears here and links the element to the values specified in the CSS file. The word 'Release' and whatever follows appears in the style (color, typeface etc) of whatever is specified in the CSS file (which is here white type at 10px size). Does this make sence?

So, you can either check out the phpwcms file, look gor the class=" " of the element you would like to change and change it in the CSS file. If you find the php code too confusing to look through you can also richt click on the webpage and look in the HTML source code of the particular backend page.

Or you can guess whatever the things are in the CSS file, change them and then check in the admin panel what has changed.
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